The Patriot Post® · James Biden Sold 'The Brand' in Qatar

By Nate Jackson ·

“I have never discussed with my son, or my brother, or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses, period,” a testy Joe Biden protested in August 2019. That was a BIG lie, and more evidence has surfaced to prove a connection.

According to Politico, a part of the Leftmedia vanguard, James Biden used his ties to his brother Joe Biden for lucrative business dealings in Qatar. That country doesn’t have the eye-catching status of China or Ukraine, but it does have connections to Iran-backed terrorism. Plus, Politico says, “The alleged arrangements would constitute some of the closest known financial links between a relative of President Joe Biden and a foreign government.”

Those ties include Jim Biden pitching a $30 million investment deal with a presentation listing his qualifications as “Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden.” Politico adds:

POLITICO previously reported that in August 2017, Jim Biden and Rustom workshopped a draft letter to an official at the country’s sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority. The draft letter from Jim Biden read in part, “My family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency,” and, “On behalf of the Biden family, I welcome your interest here.”

By the way, that draft letter was found on Hunter’s laptop.

Jim Biden worked with a hospital chain called Americore, and he worked to secure investment money from Qatar for it. Not long after receiving $600,000 from Americore for arranging finances and what his attorney called “many other services,” Jim transferred $200,000 to his brother in what he and the White House called repayment of an unrelated loan. Unfortunately for Jim, the larger deal fell through, and Americore eventually filed for bankruptcy.

“Did James Biden register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act?” wonders Ed Morrissey rhetorically because no, Jim did not register. “Until a few years ago, this was more or less a technicality, at least until Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice began putting people in prison for violations.”

Not only did Joe Biden lie about his family’s business dealings while campaigning for president as the guy who’d bring back “decency” to DC, but Jim Biden may have lied about it to Congress.

“I have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures,” he told House lawmakers in February. “Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities. None. I never asked my brother to take any official action on behalf of me, my business associates, or anyone else.”

There’s enough room to drive a tractor-trailer through the semantics holes in that statement, and House investigators are looking into whether action against the younger Biden may be merited. That’s true of Hunter Biden after his congressional testimony, too.

The bigger truth is that, as Devon Archer and Tony Bobulinski have testified to Congress, Joe Biden was the “brand” Hunter and Jim were selling. Jim and Hunter were only worth anything to anyone because of their close connections to Joe.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer has been beating that same drum. He responded to Politico’s report by saying: “The Bidens don’t sell a product, service, or a set of skills. It’s simple: the Biden family is selling access for millions of dollars to those around the world willing to pay for it. And Joe Biden continues to lie about the role he played in the influence peddling schemes.”