The Patriot Post® · A Tale of Two Transgender Medical Strategies

By Emmy Griffin ·

As more and more long-term scientific studies come out on transgenderism and its effect on gender-confused individuals, there are two very clear and opposite directions to take. Here in the United States, our medical authorities are doubling down despite significant pushback on all fronts.

In our supposedly highly scientistic society, one would think that conclusions based on the scientific method and observable facts would help maintain a sense of sanity on the subject of gender dysphoria, especially when it comes to children. But no. There has been such an ideological capture on the subject that, despite the glaringly obvious reality that there are only two sexes (and wishing you were the opposite sex doesn’t mean you are the opposite sex), they continue to push destructive narratives.

For example, the journal Scientific American has decided to promote people who declare that anyone claiming there are only two sexes is pushing misinformation. The specific types of “misinformation” they claim people are pushing are “oversimplifying scientific knowledge, fabricating and misinterpreting research and promoting false equivalences.” They can’t and won’t accept reality, long-term studies, or common sense because they all contradict the Left’s preferred narratives and notions.

Scientific American is pushing the idea that biological sex in humans is more complicated than the types of gametes we produce (eggs or sperm) and that individual personality and societal roles also play a part in the definition.

In yet another article in Scientific American, Princeton University anthropology professor Agustín Fuentes explains how the biology and roles of males and females of different animal species vary greatly. Here’s the crucial point, however: Humans are not other animals. Humans are humans and have a sexual binary: males (who produce sperm) and females (who produce ovum). It does not vary. Frankly, what transgenderism argues seems to be more of a spiritual argument (religious) than a scientific one. Kowtowing to the very notion that humans aren’t binary is infuriating, as is slapping someone with a “misinformation” label for stating the truth.

Then there is the way that transgenderism is being handled in the United Kingdom. There, the National Health Services (NHS) is walking back many of the policies that are being so heavily pushed in the name of science here in the U.S.

In 2022, the NHS closed the doors of the Tavistock Center — its largest gender clinic for minors — and began to back away from the disastrous “gender-affirming care” method of treatment. In Europe, studies were already starting to come out about how gender affirmation of patients presenting with gender dysphoria was actually expediting a mental health downward spiral because it was not treating the other mental health comorbidities that were the real struggle.

In 2023, the NHS announced it would seriously restrict giving puberty blockers as a treatment to minors claiming a transgender identity. NHS wrote, “There is not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness as a routinely available treatment.” In other words, puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones don’t fix gender dysphoria and, in fact, cause irreparable harm. As of last month, a ban on giving puberty blockers to minors was put in place.

This year, the NHS is actively taking out transgender-bent medical language such as “chestfeeding” and “people with ovaries.” Such language is medically imprecise and scientifically inaccurate. The NHS has also instructed hospitals to ban “trans women” — a.k.a. gender-confused men — from being roomed in a women-only wing of a hospital.

Slowly but surely, transgender ideology is being extracted from medicine in the UK, which is a welcome development. Considering that Europe has been experimenting with this phenomenon for about a decade longer than we have in the U.S., it gives us hope that the transgender madness will soon be out of our system and exposed for the cultish fraud that it is.