The Patriot Post® · Crazy Hillary Invokes Hitler

By Douglas Andrews ·

Like a canker sore, she keeps coming back.

It’s hard to know for sure, but perhaps what’s animating Hillary Clinton is that she’s come to the same realization that Brit Hume has. “The thing the Democrat Party and its allies face now,” said Fox News’s éminence grise, “is the fact that for tens of millions of Americans, life was unmistakably better when Donald Trump was president.”

This is undeniably true, and from any number of observable metrics: inflation, gas prices, stock market performance, illegal immigration, military readiness, war, crime, you name it. Donald Trump’s “America First” policies were good for the country and good for its people.

It’s also true that Joe Biden has made a miserable mess of things, and yet he’s running for reelection. Taken together, and as recent polling has shown, the Democrats face the very real prospect of a second term for Trump.

And it’s driving Hillary nuts. So much so that she showed up on “The View” to make a thoughtful and ingenious comparison that we don’t think has ever been made before, except maybe once: Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler. As National Review’s Kyle Smith noted some six years ago, “I can’t emphasize enough how fresh, how novel, how utterly without precedent this Hitler-Trump comparison is.”

When one thinks about it, the similarities are downright chilling. Hitler started a world war that killed more than 50 million people, and Trump kept the peace. Hitler invaded Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia, and Trump didn’t invade any countries. Hitler gave us the “Final Solution,” killing six million Jews in the process, and Trump gave us the Abraham Accords.

Eerie, isn’t it?

As for Hillary, she was introduced by Whoopi Goldberg. She then gave a doctrinaire Democrat’s assessment of Tuesday’s election results, nodded knowingly when cohost Alyssa Farah Griffin called Trump “an existential threat to this country,” and defended Biden by saying, “Look at the alternative.”

At that point, Joy Behar weighed in: “You know, this country has a lot of problems, and the main one is named Donald Trump. Okay, I can’t personally believe that this loser has so many people that still think that he could make a decent president.” Clearly, Behar needs to get out more. She reminds us of longtime New York Times theater critic Pauline Kael, who, upon learning that Richard Nixon had whipped George McGovern in the 1972 presidential election, betrayed the elitist bubble that many leftists live in: “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”

But then Behar really stepped in it: “By the way, you know, Mrs. Clinton did win the popular vote. I continue to believe that you won. I don’t care what they say.”

Whoa, Joy! Come again with that election denialism?

After saying that she refuses to even contemplate Trump’s return to the White House, how such an event would be “the end of our country as we know it,” Clinton went full Godwin on her dim-witted panelists and their equally dim-witted audience: “Hitler was duly elected, right? And so, all of a sudden, somebody with those tendencies, those dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies would be like, ‘Oh, okay, we’re gonna shut this down, we’re gonna throw these people in jail.’ And, and, they didn’t usually telegraph that. Trump is telling us what he intends to do. Take him at his word. The man means to throw people in jail who disagree with him, shut down legitimate press outlets, do what he can to literally undermine the rule of law and our country’s values.”

Uh-huh. Trump is “telling us” that he’s going to shut things down and throw folks in the clink and undermine Rule of Law. Remind us again which party is trying to throw which candidate in jail with four indictments on 91 charges.

We think Hillary is projecting. Or maybe she’s still bitter after all these years because she got caught measuring the drapes. Or maybe it’s a bit of both. As for playing the Hitler card, Hillary insulted both Trump and the Jewish people — Trump because he has Jewish grandchildren, and because he resolutely moved our embassy in Israel to its rightful place in Jerusalem, and because his administration architected the Abraham Accords; and Jews everywhere because Hitler comparisons are odious on their face.

As for Behar the Trumpian Election Denier, the show’s producers got to her during the break and told her that she needed to walk back her comment. Which she then dutifully did, lying through her teeth and looking as though she was chewing glass while doing so.

All in all, just another day among the ditzes on “The View.”