The Patriot Post® · Trump Polls While Hillary Trolls

By Douglas Andrews ·

The numbers have gone from bad to worse for Joe Biden. And as we noted a couple of months back, the end is near.

We try not to dwell on poll numbers because major media outlets are pollagandists — that is, they use their polling to shape and drive public opinion rather than merely reflecting it. This “bandwagon” appeal is a phenomenon that our Mark Alexander described years ago, and its poisonous effects have only become more so.

And yet. Two recent polls — polls that are traditionally friendly to Democrat candidates — portend an unmitigated electoral disaster for Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats. One, from The Washington Post and ABC News, has Donald Trump polling 10 points ahead of our Worst President Ever™ in a head-to-head matchup. The poll’s 52-42 margin favoring Trump is significant because the same poll, in its final iteration before the 2020 election, had Biden leading Trump by 12 points, 54-42. That’s a 22-point swing, and it comes against a backdrop of two impeachments, four indictments, and 91 criminal charges against the former president. Why, it’s almost as if a majority of the American people think these charges are purely political.

Outlier! they screeched, and perhaps it is. Indeed, the Post’s own polling numbers proved so alarming to their Democrat fellow-travelers that they followed up its release with a disclaimer: “The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle,” they note, “although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat. The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier.”

That’s right. The ABC-WP cognoscenti are tapping their own brakes, denouncing their own numbers, telling folks not to believe their own crackerjack pollsters.

So you see, polling that favors Democrats is an inlier and therefore a reliable barometer, while polling that favors Le Bête Orange is an outlier and therefore not a harbinger.

As for those who say, “Just wait till the Democrats start running attack ads,” they’ve somehow forgotten the fact that the Democrats and their media allies have been running a nonstop attack ad against Trump for the past seven years. They’re pretty much tapped out.

A recent NBC News poll serves up some even more troubling news for Biden: The poll has him at an appropriately abysmal 23% approval for his willful non-handling of the southern border catastrophe. In addition, it has him a stunning 34 points under water, 30% to 64%, for his handling of the economy, and 19 points under water, 37% to 56%, for his presidential job approval rating.

As for the coalition that Democrats count on to win elections, the poll has Biden doing poorly with four critical voting blocs: He’s at 46% with young people, 46% with women, 43% with Latinos, and just 36% with independent voters. These are the building blocks of the Democrat electorate. And if these numbers remain anywhere near where they are now, then Joe Biden is toast. The Democrats are right to be panicking, and it won’t be long before they drug him up and trot him out for an LBJ moment.

Which is as it should be. A guy of Joe Biden’s cognitive age should be at home in a Barcalounger. Either that, or he should be surrounded by adoring grandkids (all seven of them), peering at him through prison bars.

That latter part won’t happen, of course, but there’s also a question as to whether Biden will even be the nominee.

Elsewhere in politics, it’s déjà vu all over again. We say this because Hillary Clinton is at it again, prebunking Trump’s 2024 electoral victory as the work of — wait for it! — Vladimir Putin.

And we’re all “deniers,” she says, if we don’t agree with her.

As Fox News reports, the Worst Presidential Candidate Ever™ sat down for an interview with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki and warned that we should be talking about Russian electoral interference once again in the 2024 cycle.

“I don’t think, despite all of the deniers, there is any doubt that [Vladimir Putin] interfered in our election, or that he has interfered in many ways in the internal affairs of other countries, funding political parties, funding political candidates, buying off government officials in different places,” Hillary hillarized.

“He hates democracy,” she said of Putin, although she might just as well have been speaking about Trump. “He particularly hates the West and he especially hates us. And he has determined that he can do two things simultaneously. He can try to continue to damage and divide us internally, and he’s quite good at it.”

“It’s almost beyond parody, isn’t it?” asked a bemused Piers Morgan on Fox News this morning.

Hillary, of course, was the real Russia collusionist, having bought and paid for the pack of salacious Russian lies known as the Steele dossier and thereby ensuring genuine Russian interference in the 2016 election. Regarding her never-ending claim that Trump was an “illegitimate” president and that he and those dastardly Russians “stole” that election from her, we’re still waiting for that social media ban. Or is it only Republicans who can’t question the legitimacy of our elections?

On this point, Morgan couldn’t check his sarcasm: “Here she is again, talking to Jen Pizzaki. Now Jen Pizzaki, rather like Hillary, they have been very, very angry about Donald Trump and his election-denying, both of them, on the record, many times in the last couple of years. So this is terrible for democracy. It’s the enemy of democracy. How dare he not accept the results of an election.”

And so it goes with Hillary and her endless electoral grievance. There’s no introspection, no self-blame, and no class.