The Patriot Post® · In Brief: If Biden Took a Bad Fall

By Political Editors ·

We admit to chuckling when Joe Biden trips up the stairs of Air Force One or gets “sandbagged” at the U.S. Air Force Academy or tips over while riding his bike across the street. But PJ Media’s Chris Queen says there’s a serious side to this spectacle.

The media runs cover for Biden’s many physical mishaps. And there are definitely many of them to cover for. He trips up the stairs to Air Force One. He falls off a bicycle in front of reporters. He trips over a sandbag at the Air Force Academy.

We can laugh about incidents like these, but there’s a genuine concern for Biden because of his age. We’ve all encountered older people who took a bad fall that led to their death. That’s no laughing matter in any circumstance, but it’s even more concerning when the person we have to worry about is occupying the White House.

It has recently come to light that Biden’s team is facing the task of making sure that the president doesn’t suffer any falls in public.

Indeed, there is a series of protocols for helping Biden, from wearing tennis shoes more often to doing physical therapy.

How is this supposed to be reassuring? How is this supposed to inspire confidence? How is the American public supposed to believe that everything is just fine when the leader of the free world is one hip fracture away from abject disaster?

For worse for many reasons, Queen says, would be “if Biden took a debilitating fall.”

A nasty tumble could land the president in the hospital for a long recovery. You know the media would run cover for a hospitalized Joe Biden. Karine Jean-Pierre would put on a brave face and give non-answers. Nothing to see here, folks. Everything is normal.

Who would be the face of the administration? Of course, that would fall on Kamala Harris, and Lord knows nobody wants that. It might be enough to prevent the Democrats from invoking the 25th Amendment against the First Rehab Patient.

But the worst scenario I can imagine is what might happen if, Heaven forbid, Biden takes a fall that’s drastic enough to lead to his death. Whether that happens during this term or, Heaven continue to forbid, a second Biden term, he would become a martyr to the left.

I could see Democrats in both houses of Congress rallying to push every left-wing measure they could drum up. “It’s what Joe would have wanted,” they would assert. It’s also not beyond the realm of possibility that the Democrats could pull some support from squishy Republicans to ram Joe’s radical legacy down the throats of unsuspecting Americans.

Queen concludes:

I don’t wish a debilitating and tragic fall on any senior citizen — and I don’t imagine any of us would — but it’s even more of a nightmare scenario if it’s the president who falls. This is one of the many reasons why it’s crucial that the GOP triumphs in the 2024 election.

Read the whole thing here.