The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lie

“We are absolutely making [the border] secure.” —Vice President Kamala Harris

Rule of Law = “Bloodlust”

“The Republican presidential primary campaign is heavy on bloodlust.” —NBC News headline

Useful Idiot

“Interestingly, the Times had a really interesting interview with Hamas leaders a week or so ago. They basically were feeling so isolated in the region that they launched this attack as kind of a last resort because they felt completely abandoned by everybody else and realized that this was the last thing they could do.” —New York Times’s Elisabeth Bumiller


“A cease-fire now only benefits the terrorists of Hamas. How would we have reacted if the U.N. had demanded that we stop fighting Al Qaeda and the Taliban a month after 9/11? Should we have granted Hitler a cease-fire one month after D-Day? Hamas does not deserve a ‘time-out’ either.” —Gary Bauer

“We can never forget the extent to which we ourselves, through determined inculcation in our own schools, have made students from right here in the United States haters of Israel and the West. Altogether, we’ve created the conditions for the ongoing cataract of anti-Israel agitation, coupled with outright antisemitism and harassment of Jews, that shows no signs of abating.” —Rich Lowry

“If one word could be said to characterize this generation and their progeny, it might be ‘hubris.’ It’s understandable that groups of people who fought for righteous causes, defended marginalized members of society and broke down unjust barriers would repose great confidence in their own judgment. But being correct on any one issue does not mean that you will inevitably be correct about all issues, a realization that seems to have been lost.” —Laura Hollis

“It is easy enough to go back in history and to denounce any departure from what passes for enlightenment today. It doesn’t take much wit or courage today to come out against slavery. But to put yourself in the position of a leader who wants to destroy slavery in a country that doesn’t — the position of Washington and Lincoln — is more unsettling.” —Michael Barone

For the Record

“In 2016 and 2020, the American news media became convinced that the American-owned companies Facebook and Twitter were disinformation platforms being used by Russia to promote Donald Trump. As we head into 2024, the top news source of young Americans [TikTok] is literally controlled by the military of a foreign adversary that not only uses the platform to spy on Americans, but also uses it to feed our youth malicious disinformation designed to turn them both against their basic biology and against the nation.” —Erick Erickson

“The big automakers didn’t pledge to go electric because they care about saving the planet. It’s all about government regulations and mandates. If they can make money off the latest fad, they’ll jump on board regardless of its impact on Mother Earth.” —Brian Mark Weber

Village Idiot

“I think [Mike Johnson is] right about God being mad at America. I mean, why else would he give us Mike Johnson as speaker?” —"comedian" Stephen Colbert

And Last…

“San Francisco’s miracle gave me an idea for any city in America that wants to quickly solve its homeless problem. Get the mayor to invite Dictator Xi for dinner.” —Michael Reagan