The Patriot Post® · The Betrayal of Misplaced Loyalty

By Roger Helle ·

“For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence [‘strong delusion,’ KJV] so that they will believe what is false [‘believe a lie,’ KJV].” (II Thessalonians 2:11, NASB)

My heart breaks watching what is happening to the Jewish people in Israel and in America. Anti-Semitic activities are taking place all across our nation. Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken claim to stand alongside Israel … for about a New York minute.

When Democrats began to realize they were in danger of losing the Arab/Muslim vote in next year’s election, they began pressuring Israel for a ceasefire. It’s important to note that Jewish people have voted Democrat for a long time. Maybe it’s just liberal Jews, but regardless, the progressives will throw the Jewish people under the bus to keep the Muslim vote.

Let’s face it: Due to our immigration policies, we’ve allowed tens of thousands of Muslims into our country. These are people who hate America, the land of opportunity and freedom — nothing like the hellholes they fled (Ilhan Omar, call your office). There are not enough Jewish people to offset the Muslim vote, so under the bus you go.

While Biden and Blinken are “standing by Israel,” the State Department has been working overtime to assist Iran every chance it gets. Joe gave Iranian terrorists $6 billion for five Iranian-American hostages. Joe lifted sanctions on Iranian oil exports, allowing as much as $80 billion to flow into the mullahs’ accounts, according to the New York Post.

State Department special envoy to Iran Rob Malley was recently suspended when he and his band of merry Iranian sympathizers were outed by the New York Post. You have to wonder: Which side are these guys on? It is definitely NOT America First! I hope I’m wrong, but the signs seem to be pointing at the Biden administration backing away from supporting Israel unconditionally. Loyalty doesn’t mean what it once did.

It reminds me of how blacks have stood solidly behind the Democrat Party, which is amazing to me as a student of history.

Didn’t President Abraham Lincoln establish the Republican Party to fight against slavery? Yes!

After the Civil War, didn’t Democrats establish the Ku Klux Klan to keep blacks from enjoying their newly won freedoms? Yes!

Didn’t Democrats fight against civil rights for blacks up until the middle of the 20th century? Yes!

Didn’t President Lyndon Johnson and many Southern Democrats fight against civil rights until they realized it was going to happen anyway? Yes!

Didn’t Johnson decide to pass welfare for blacks so they would always be beholden to Democrats and allowed to live on Democrat plantations? Yes!

Their loyalty has given them failing schools and enough welfare to get by but not enough to thrive on. Their loyalty has given them very little in return. When, not if, the Hispanic vote surpasses the black vote, they will be the next to go under the bus. Do you think Democrats would allow over eight million illegal immigrants and more arriving daily into America if they thought they might vote Republican? I rest my case.

The good news is, there is the “Good News,” the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through which anyone and everyone can find true freedom, regardless of skin color, social status, or religion. Vote your conscience and convictions. Vote for freedom, not slavery by another name!

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis