The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“I know I don’t look like it, but I’ve been around a while. I do remember that.” —Joe Biden

Circling the Wagons

“I talk to President Biden, you know, regularly. … His mental acuity is great. It’s fine. It’s as good as it’s been over the years. … All this right-wing propaganda that his mental acuity has declined is wrong.” —Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

“This is a very sharp president. In term of his public presentation, if he makes a slip of the tongue here or there, what’s the deal?” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

Political Futures

“A new ABC News poll finds that 86% of Americans think Joe Biden is ‘too old’ to serve a second term. That’s a serious vulnerability, but we shouldn’t read too much into it. A significant percentage of those people will vote for him over any Republican we might nominate.” —Gary Bauer

“Questions are being raised whether the president is fit for a second term. I’m wondering if he can make it to the end of this term and whether America’s enemies may see an opportunity to do things they would probably not do if a fully functioning president were in charge.” —Cal Thomas


“[Biden’s] going to win the election because he has a great record, because more and more Americans are seeing that record.” —Chuck Schumer

“The overall [inflation] picture looks good.” —National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard

Useful Idiot

“Saying that the motivation [for October 7] was anti-Semitism is wrong and dangerous. I’m not saying that people in Hamas are absolutely not anti-Semitic. This was not the argument. But the argument is that this attack was launched as a way to break the occupation against the apartheid.” —UN official Francesca Albanese

“I understand why Israel is using this argument of anti-Semitism because by saying, ‘We were attacked because we are Jews,’ it’s bringing the existential threat that many Jews fear. The real threat is the apartheid that Israel imposes on the Palestinians, which is a threat to both Palestinians and Israeli Jews.” —Francesca Albanese

“[Israel] didn’t have the right to act in self-defense, meaning waging a war because it couldn’t wage a war against the people it maintains under occupation.” —Francesca Albanese

“After four months, there is no official reconstruction, no official investigation, and no independent investigation on what has happened on the 7th of October. … I do not have evidence to establish the intent.” —Francesca Albanese

“[Evidence] at the level of command have not pointed to aggression against the Jews.” —Francesca Albanese

Re: The Left

“‘Saving our democracy,’ as the left defines it, means regulating information to ‘save’ the American people from themselves.” —Gary Bauer

“Why does leftism seek chaos? Because the Left hates the opposite of chaos: order. And order ultimately represents a religious view of life. Order represents divine order. … Chaos is the normal state of the world. The second verse of the Bible states that the world was in a chaotic state. God then made order. Which is why the Left is undoing it.” —Dennis Prager


“And where would the ordinary simple folk — the common people, as they like to call them in America — where would they be, once [socialism] had got them in its grip?” —Winston Churchill (1874-1965)