The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Pot Calling the Kettle Black

“One candidate’s too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other guy’s me.” —Joe Biden

Useful Idiots

“The claim that Prime Minister Netanyahu and others are making that somehow UNRWA is a proxy for Hamas are just flat-out lies.” —Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)

“What the government of Israel is doing is unconscionable. … The problem is the United States remains complicit in these war crimes because it’s traditional in U.S. politics that politicians show no space between the United States and Israel. … Does the United States want to be complicit in genocide?” —Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs

Circling the Wagons

“It’s curious to me to see [Benjamin] Netanyahu talk the way he does when he tried to interfere in American elections. … What is wrong with advocating for elections in a democracy? … What does that say if he won’t even say that, as the war winds down, the people of Israel should speak? That’s all Chuck [Schumer] was saying.” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

Friendly Fire

“For a U.S. senator — let alone the majority leader; let alone the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in Washington — to tell Israel that it’s time to get rid of Netanyahu, that’s outrageous.” —former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman


“It’s inappropriate … to go to a sister democracy and try to replace the elected leadership there. … I think the only government that we should be working on to bring down now is the terrorist tyranny in Gaza, the Hamas tyranny that murdered over 1,000 Israelis, including some dozens of Americans, and is holding Americans and Israelis hostage. … The majority of Israelis support the policies of my government. It’s not a fringe government. It represents the policies supported by the majority of the people. If Senator Schumer opposes these policies, he’s not opposing me. He’s opposing the people of Israel.” —Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Irony Alert

“I will not let my daughter live in a world where politicians make decisions about her body.” —singer-songwriter Christina Aguilera advocating — wait for it — abortion

Dumb & Dumber

“Our administration has turned around the economy because we focused on women.” —Joe Biden

“Stop acting like life in America in 2024 is unbearable. Biden’s ratings are in the toilet not because he’s doing a bad job but because many Americans like living with their head in the toilet.” —HBO’s Bill Maher

Food for Thought

“Here’s a question worth pondering: If mail-in voting is perfectly safe, then why don’t we allow mail-in drug testing? Or mail-in fingerprinting? The question answers itself, and yet the Democrats will insist that any attempt by Republicans to crack down on the COVID-era practice of bulk-mail balloting is A Threat to Our Democracy™.” —Douglas Andrews

Political Futures

“As the Democrats become the party of college-educated, affluent insiders, they become removed from the world of non-college-educated workers who feel ignored or excluded from elite institutions and expert decision-making. The professionalization of print, digital, and broadcast media has estranged writers and talkers from most Americans. The highly educated, highly compensated denizens of Washington, D.C., and its surrounding counties have become a world unto themselves. Those who live inside the bubble find it hard, if not impossible, to see outside it. There is less trust in a society where those who write the rules appear insulated or exempt from the rules.” —Matthew Continetti

And Last…

“There is either a red wave this November or America is doomed. Imagine four more years of [illegal immigration] getting worse.” —Elon Musk