The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Violent Rhetoric?

“President Biden is not the best attack politician I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ll leave it at that. But there are a lot of people to do what I call ‘the wet work.’” —Democrat strategist James Carville

The BIG Lies

“I tell you the truth and I’m not being facetious when I say that. I’ve never been fact-checked by … the press.” —Joe Biden

“Wages are up more than prices. Inflation is down dramatically.” —Joe Biden

“We reduced the federal deficit by $160 billion. Hear me? $160 billion.” —Joe Biden


“It’s difficult for me to understand why some people will not give [Biden] credit for the tremendous leadership he has provided.” —Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL)

“I see people all the time who are paying more for their groceries because of stock buybacks and because of bonuses that executives get.” —Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

Dumb & Dumber

“[Chuck] Schumer, throughout his career, has been an incredibly strong supporter of the special relationship between the United States and Israel. … It is unfortunate that some of my extreme MAGA Republican colleagues once again are trying to politicize the issue.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

“Literally we have Republicans doing stupid stuff, spreading Russian disinformation, and you have Democrats here trying to help American families and trying to make sure that our country moves forward.” —Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA)

“If they ended birthright citizenship … I wouldn’t be a citizen.” —Joe Biden

Who’s Gonna Tell Him?

“Men do not compete in women’s sports.” —Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

Political Futures

“Biden should be upset, because no one likes the prospect of losing a presidential race. More profoundly, a loss to Trump would instantly vaporize what was to be Biden’s most important legacy — stopping Trump and supposedly saving American democracy.” —Rich Lowry

For the Record

“When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, it had to be ratified by the states before it could take effect. If any state thought that the Constitution prevented them from defending their citizens if they were invaded by people not legally allowed to enter and the federal government refused to do anything about it, no state would have ratified the Constitution. That is such an outlandish idea, but that is exactly what the open borders left and the Biden administration are demanding.” —Gary Bauer

“Everything in contemporary society is about sound bites. When you log onto social media, whoever posts the most salacious remarks typically gets the most likes and reposts. Social media company algorithms promote toxicity, and we further it by engaging with it.” —Armstrong Williams

“Without the pillars to support it, the entire edifice of what we consider Western civilization will collapse, taking every one of its achievements and attributes with it. Those keen to ‘burn it all down’ promise utopia when they are done. But survivors will find themselves instead grubbing through the ashes in brutal and barbaric conditions they thought had been left behind centuries ago for good.” —Laura Hollis


“Republicans should not shy away or try to appease the ‘pro-choice’ side. Polls show many in the middle want at least some restrictions on the procedure. If Democrats are going to make abortion in the post-Roe era a major issue in the coming election, Republicans should fight back with facts. … Abortion is a moral, medical, and political issue. Republicans can fight back on all three levels because they hold the high ground on each one.” —Cal Thomas


“If government half a century ago had provided us with all our dinners and breakfasts, it would be the practice of our orators today to assume the impossibility of our providing for ourselves.” —MP Auberon Herbert (1838-1906)

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