The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Lack of Self-Awareness Award

“I don’t talk to people who use racist tropes.” —Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)

Non Sequitur

“I realized when I was barricaded in the Capitol on January 6 when it was under attack that the tension right now in this country, and in this world, is between those who will stand up for others and those who want to tear us down or tear us apart. You see it at school board meetings when people come and raise hell at these school board members who are just trying to do the very best they can.” —Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)

The BIG Lie

“Inflation today is about 40% of what it was when Joe Biden took office. And so, the inflation rates are down and people’s incomes are up.” —Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC)

Hot Air

“We’re seeing so much stress and violence in Central America, we’re seeing the effects of a changing climate that is causing the chaos, and that’s why people are migrating to the north.” —Congressman Eric Sorensen (D-IL)

For the Record

“Tragically and ironically, had Israel stormed into southern Gaza, destroyed Hamas and leveled Rafah quickly, the war would be over and public opinion would not have shifted so decisively against Israel. But the Israeli government attempted to humor Biden, move slow and minimize civilian casualties. That just bought Biden time to sell out Israel to placate American antisemites whose votes he needs.” —Erick Erickson

“No matter how many ceasefires Hamas rejects, Democrats still demand Israel unilaterally stop fighting the people who hold American hostages. It is a demand we would never make of any other nation — a demand we would never abide by ourselves.” —David Harsanyi

Re: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Grandstanding

“Obviously, it’s one thing to inveigh against spending deals when what you say or do doesn’t matter much; it’s another to be the one who has to decide whether to lead your party into a shutdown fight that it will definitely lose, blighting its political prospects for no good reason.” —Rich Lowry

“Greene … noted that [Mike] Johnson is always complaining that he’s tired and only getting three hours of sleep. She believes this shows that Johnson must have a guilty conscience that’s keeping him up at night. But maybe his sleep is disturbed by the thought that his majority is so small that someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene matters. And who can blame him?” —Rich Lowry

Political Futures

“Republicans at the state and national level are spending more time trying to get rid of their own people instead of embracing each other and uniting for victory. We have an awful president and a lunatic Democrat Party that are handing Republicans a dozen juicy issues we can run on. But if the Republican Party wants to win this fall, it has to get its own act together before it’s too late.” —Micheal Reagan

“Overall, the pro-life cause must be less concerned with short-term tactical disagreements and more concerned with unanimity as to the long-term goal. If ‘states’ rights’ (which Dobbs gave us) becomes the goal, that is a big problem. The true goal remains unambiguous: constitutional personhood. We have a lot of hearts and minds still to persuade to get there. But we also need political power. Hence, the paradox.” —Josh Hammer

Re: The Left

“Leadership is doing what’s right, regardless of the consequences. Biden is not leading. He is being led and that makes him easily manipulated by progressive constituencies.” —Erick Erickson

“Biden, it should be noted, is a vacuous political zombie who has never met a position he hasn’t dropped for a vote.” —David Harsanyi

“How odd it is that America is wasting billions of dollars hiring DEI czars and electing woke politicians who so often accuse others of a multitude of sins, largely as a way of enriching themselves, hiding their own culpability, and making a mockery of the law.” —Victor Davis Hanson

And Last…

“The President who thinks he can unilaterally forgive student loans does not seem to think he has the power to secure the border unilaterally.” —Erick Erickson

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