The Patriot Post® · 'We Don't Discuss Politics or Religion!'

By Roger Helle ·

I’m a “Baby Boomer,” and growing up, family members or friends would say the two subjects you don’t discuss in polite conversation are politics and religion. Today, too many Christians have taken that message to heart and abandoned being part of the election process. Some churches believe we shouldn’t be defiled by the world.

Because of churches abandoning the political process as too messy, the god of this world is facing less and less resistance each election cycle. I agree that politics has always been “blood sport.” Prior to the Civil War, a Democrat congressman beat senseless a Republican congressman who opposed slavery. Today, we don’t “cane” the opposition; we destroy him in the media. Who needs that?

But there’s a much bigger picture we need to look at. Our Heavenly Father is very interested in leadership — from raising up leaders to developing them (David and Solomon) to bringing them down (Nebuchadnezzar). If leadership matters to God, it should matter to us. Millions of Christians have failed to even register to vote in the last three or four election cycles, and look at how our freedoms have been diminished over that time.

Not that long ago, the government tried to close down churches during COVID while leaving bars, liquor stores, casinos, and abortion clinics open as “essential.” Some churches were even sued by the government for daring to practice their religious freedom. Shutting schools down was bad enough. Trying to restrict your freedom of religion is absolutely unconstitutional. You may have noticed, but so-called progressives don’t care about the Constitution. It impedes their goal to have absolute control over you.

Marxism and faith are violently opposed to one another. The more the progressives gain control over you, the more your freedoms can be restricted. Who would have thought our nation would come to the place where our First and Second Amendment freedoms are being taken away? America was once a land where the Rule of Law and equal justice under the law were the envy of nations around the world.

Whatever you think of Donald Trump, when you can abuse the legal system to punish your political opponents, jail them, bankrupt them, and remove them from the ballot because you don’t like their political beliefs, we are becoming a banana republic rather than a democratic republic. Recall Benjamin Franklin’s warning at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention. When asked what type of government we have, his response was simple: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

We need to ask ourselves the same question today. Do we involve ourselves in the animated cause of freedom, or do we surrender? After signing the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams spoke to those who would rather be subjected to tyranny than freedom.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

It is better to make your voice heard at the ballot box than the battlefield. Your freedoms have been paid for by the blood of Patriots. Use it well.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis