The Patriot Post® · Friday Quotables

The Demo-gogues

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: “Embrace the suck. We need to get [the budget deal] off the table so we can go forward.”

From the ‘Non Compos Mentis’ File

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: “Let us vote to provide for unemployment insurance for working men and women so that faces across America will not the tear of desperation on their face.”

Village Idiots

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod: “[Obama] has been honest about [ObamaCare]. … I’m sure when he said what he said he believed it. When they put the grandfather clause in, he believed that that would take care of these kinds of transitional problems. It didn’t. And, you know, I think the real lesson here is don’t ever speak in absolutes because there’s always going to be an exception and that exception is going to become an example that your opponents lift up.”

Braying Jenny

Rep. Jan Schakowsky: “I am absolutely confident that the role that you [HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius] played in bringing affordable health care to millions, tens of millions of Americans, will go down in history as one of the great achievements of our country throughout its entire history. And I just want to thank you for that.”

The BIG Lie

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “A lot of individuals who received cancellation notices are thrilled with the choices that are now available to them.”

Braying Jackass

Joe Biden: “My great-great grandparents came [to America] escaping the famine and they didn’t all come here legally.”

Belly Laugh of the Week

House Demo Whip Steny Hoyer: “I don’t think there are any extremists in my party.”


CNN’s Chris Cuomo: “[Obama’s handshake [with Cuban dictator Rual Casto] obviously was a huge moment. But not to be misunderstood, the handshake with Raul Castro, the president of Cuba, we believe was President Obama showing respect to Nelson Mandela and the occasion of today, the spirit of reconciliation. Of course, it will be dissected politically. … No matter the ongoing political disputes, on this day, it was about something bigger. It was about forgiveness and reconciliation, because it was about a man who was bigger: Nelson Mandela.”

Unfortunately, for the narcissist in chief, nothing is bigger than his ego.

Short Cuts

Comedian Argus Hamilton: “Joe Biden flew to South Korea for security discussions [last] Friday where the government asked Biden to give a TV speech to the South Korean people. The effect was galvanizing. It is the first time in history that South Koreans were caught trying to sneak into North Korea.”