The Patriot Post® · Report Dramatizes Shootings

A new report released by Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun groups Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in American (MDA) and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) claims that, “In the fourteen months since the mass shooting in Newtown, CT, there have been at least 44 school shootings including fatal and nonfatal assaults, suicides, and unintentional shootings – an average of more than three a month. These school shootings resulted in 28 deaths and 37 non-fatal gunshot injuries.” This data however is highly misleading. “Included in the numbers are [11] suicides,” explains columnist John Lott. “Also included are late night shootings in school parking lots, on other school grounds or even off school property, often involving gangs. As ‘shootings,’ they also include any incident where shots were fired, even when nobody was injured.” They also fail to mention that the overall number of school shootings continues to decrease.