The Patriot Post® · Feverish Progressive Brains

Arnold Ahlert: “Michelle Obama, who like so many of her fellow progressives, believes that posing somberly and holding up a sign with the Twitter hashtag, ”#BringBackOurGirls" amounts to something other than flaccid self-indulgence. Not that her husband is much better. The most powerful man in the world wakes up every day and thinks about the ‘young girls in Nigeria.’ What does he do about the young girls in Nigeria? The Commander-in-Chief has dispatched a contingent of seven military and State Department officials who will join 50 security experts already stationed in the country. Thus, all of fifty seven Americans are spearheading the fight against hundreds of heavily-armed and ruthless killers. … Ironically, the same progressives who might be getting an inkling of what the real war on women in this world is all about, were more than willing to censor someone who might have filled them in on all the details about which they remain willfully clueless. I am referring to Ayaan Ali Hirsi and the recision of her honorary degree at Brandeis University.“