The Patriot Post® · Bill Clinton: 'I Nearly Got Bin Laden'

Bill Clinton was paid $150,000 to speak to 30 Australian businessmen and during the conversation, Clinton was asked about terrorism and some man in Afghanistan who was responsible for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and attacks on U.S. consulates in the Middle East. It was September 10, 2001. In a never-before-released tape, Clinton was recorded talking about Osama bin Laden, saying, “I nearly got him once. I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn’t do it.” And this is where Clinton is wrong. Clinton had chance after chance to capture or kill bin Laden. Kandahar is one of the large cities in Afghanistan, and those 300 people were probably part of bin Laden’s terrorist training camp. Ten hours later, on the morning of 9/11, 3,000 American civilians died by bin Laden’s hand, bringing a war that cost thousands of American soldiers’ lives. But eventually, America got her man. It was dereliction that Bill Clinton didn’t. More…