The Patriot Post® · Islamists Won't Be Content With the Annihilation of Jews

By Arnold Ahlert

Hamas is a designated terrorist organization whose founding charter is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. The organization was founded in 1987, by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and factions of the PLO who shared that vision. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, a 22-year old Muslim with a profound admiration for Adolf Hitler. He wrote to the Führer on a regular basis, expressing his support, as well as his desire to collaborate with the Nazi Party.

During WWII, his wish came true. The Muslim Brotherhood spied for the Nazis and fought for them in two specially formed Muslim Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions. Al-Banna was also closely allied with Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was a VIP guest of Hitler in Berlin from 1941 to 1945, prior to joining al-Banna in Egypt in 1946. Even today, Hitler’s “Mein Kamfp,” retitled “My Jihad,” and translated into Arabic by the Muslim Brotherhood, remains a best-seller in the Muslim world.

Now there is little doubt that many liberal Democrats – especially the more addled subset of liberal Jewish Americans who despise their own heritage – might bristle at being labeled Nazi sympathizers. Too bad. History is what it is, and those who deny it, or maintain an obdurate ignorance about it, may very well be doomed to repeat it. …

One thing is certain: Israel will not go quietly. But if the unthinkable should come to pass, one other thing is equally certain: the appetite for Jewish blood will not be satiated, nor will that appetite be confined to the deserts of the Middle East.

For those who refuse to comprehend the breadth of the threat, it is worth remembering that Islamists refer to Israel as the Little Satan. America is the Great Satan. “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last,” Winston Churchill once remarked during another existential crisis. One is left to wonder what Churchill might have thought of morally bankrupt equivocators who would stand in solidarity with the crocodiles.