The Patriot Post® · The Democrats' Impeachment Obsession

As we recently pointed out, it’s Democrats, not Republicans, who are talking incessantly about impeachment. The Hill found that “Congressional Democrats have talked about the impeachment of President Obama 20 times more than Republicans have on the House and Senate floors. Since the start of the 113th Congress last year, Democrats have used the word ‘impeach’ or ‘impeachment’ regarding Obama 86 times, according to a review of the Congressional Record by The Hill.” Senate Republicans on the other hand have remained completely silent on the issue, and just three GOP representatives have mentioned impeachment. Democrats have exploited the issue by rousing their constituents with scaremongering, raising millions of dollars for incumbents in the process. Republicans can’t appear to be seeking impeachment, which gives Obama even greater latitude to force his will. Their endgame marginalizes the GOP while advancing their agenda. For Republicans, that makes winning the Senate even more critical. More…