The Patriot Post® · Change Starts With Yourself

Ed Feulner: “Why are we seeing such a rise in incivility? It’s partly rooted in human nature. We ‘know’ certain things to be true, so those who disagree with us aren’t merely wrong; they’re stupid or evil. The idea that they’re just as intelligent and patriotic as we are, but simply see things differently, doesn’t occur to us. It’s also the result of laziness. It takes effort to see things from someone else’s point of view. It’s far easier to assume the worst and question their motives. Besides, how else are we going to break through the din of the 24-hour news cycle and the never-ending barrage of social media without a few verbal Molotov cocktails? We’re better than this. We need to remind ourselves that to remain a free, self-governing people, we need to temper our outbursts and restore civility to our public discourse. It’s not a job that starts with the other guy. It starts with each one of us. The marketplace of ideas can’t flourish without respect and civility. That means more than just talking. It means listening.”