The Patriot Post® · Lawmakers' Wallets More Bloated Than Ever

The Obama recovery continues at a measly pace, but there’s one group that’s doing just fine: Congress. Roll Call’s Steven Dennis and Jay Hunter report, “The combined minimum net worth of Congress jumped – up more than $150 million to $2.1 billion – according to a CQ Roll Call analysis of the financial disclosure forms for every member of Congress and delegate who filed one for 2013. That’s an increase of about $300,000 to $3.9 million per lawmaker – although, as with the general public, most of the wealth is concentrated at the top.” Some 188 of the 538 members on the list (three vacancies prevented a full compilation) are millionaires, and the median net worth for lawmakers is $456,522. Roll Call notes, “The actual reported wealth of Congress would be significantly higher if Congress required members to disclose all of their assets and to disclose them with precision.” Say, that sounds awfully similar to how the federal government runs as a whole. On another note, the number of lawmakers who are veterans may drop to a new historic low come November. When elitism trumps patriotism, the result is never good. The American people should demand better of their elected representatives. In the end, we get the government we deserve. More…