The Patriot Post® · Study Further Exemplifies Fracking Benefit

Ecofascists generally acknowledge natural gas as a cleaner alternative to coal, yet for curious reasons simultaneously obstruct further development of the infrastructure needed to capture this resource, such as hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Their excuses for doing so are running drier far quicker than any of the oil fields they claim are fast depleting. Case in point: Another study destroys the argument that fracking emits more methane than does coal. The Washington Examiner writes, “While natural gas is half as carbon dense as coal, methane is at least 20 times more potent at trapping heat. Environmentalists say a leakage rate of 3 percent could erase the climate benefits of natural gas. [But] joint Environmental Defense Fund and University of Texas-Austin studies showed that the leakage rate from fracking wells falls below that mark. Overall, those leaks account for 0.38 percent of the lifecycle of natural gas emissions. That’s less than what … the Environmental Protection Agency’s estimate of 1.5 percent.” In theory, fracking is a practice both Democrats and Republicans can support, because it satisfies both sides of the climate debate. But as long as one of these parties is wed to the idea of Big Government and gerrymandering, no solution will be good enough. More…