The Patriot Post® · Since 2009, Obama Gave Away 5.5M Work Permits

For years, the Obama administration has skirted immigration laws, giving out hundreds of thousands of work permits to people who came into this nation with either no visa, or merely student or tourist visas. Since 2009, the Obama administration has handed out 5.46 million work permits, with 532,000 given to people with student visas, 470,000 on tourist visas and 156,000 for dependents of students or guest workers. Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, writes, “This should be a concern; work permits are gateway documents to driver’s licenses and other benefits, and if the government agency issuing them does not know or will not disclose how the bearer arrived in the country how can others rely on the authenticity of an individual’s identity? It is equally disconcerting if the government does know and chooses not to disclose it.” Obama didn’t wake up sometime last year and think: Gee, it would be fun to completely ignore the separation of powers and do some crazy stuff with immigration. No, he’s been doing it from the very beginning. More…