The Patriot Post® · Michael Bloomberg's Racist Plan to Stop Gun Violence

To a sold-out audience at Colorado’s Aspen Institute, former New York City Mayor and rabid anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg said that because minority men ages 15 to 25 are the foremost instigators of murder, they should be denied their Second Amendment rights. “These kids think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed,” the Aspen Times quoted Bloomberg as telling the audience. “They just don’t have any long-term focus or anything. It’s a joke to have a gun. It’s a joke to pull a trigger.” Bloomberg may say he only wants to help those inner city youths, never mind the fact that his strategy denies the equal application of rights to voting-age men. As Hot Air’s Noah Rothman points out, this kind of rhetoric smacks of the same dreck the Ku Klux Klan employed during the reconstruction. Furthermore, when the story of his comments trickled out, Bloomberg rushed to snuff the story by forbidding the Aspen Institute from releasing the video of the talk – because bad optics. Anything to further the gun control cause. More…