The Patriot Post® · Starving Sea Lion Pups Are Not Victims of Global Warming

Hundreds of starving sea lion pups are washing up on the California coast, but not due to global warming, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Al Gore was hardest hit by the news. Since the start of the year, about 1,800 starving sea lions pups have washed up on the Cali coast because adult sea lions have to leave their offspring for longer as they travel further north to feed. The feeding grounds moved because, you guessed it, warm weather. It’s unusual, but not unprecedented. Something similar happened in 1998. Climatologist for NOAA Nate Mantua said, “It’s a very regional patch of warm water and it doesn’t look like global warming to me. It looks like a consequence of some unusual wind patterns along the Pacific Coast, which we have had for most of the last year. And in fact, on the West Coast we’ve had some extreme weather; it’s not unrelated to the extreme weather you’ve experienced in Boston.” There you have it: One of the biggest proponents of man-made global warming says this headline-topping story isn’t because the world is about to melt. More…