The Patriot Post® · U.S., Israel and Iran: Three's a Crowd

By Allyne Caan ·

As if meddling in Israel’s elections with an aim to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t enough for Barack Obama, in the wake of Netanyahu’s win – and Obama’s loss – the White House has accused Israel of spying on U.S.-Iran nuclear talks. The Wall Street Journal reported this week that current and former U.S. officials claim the spying was part of a larger effort by Netanyahu to gather information on the negotiations in order to build a case against the deal.

Ever the sore loser, Obama, while sidling up to Iran, is apparently hoping to paint our closest ally in the Middle East as the enemy. Ironically, the U.S. learned of this purported spying – wait for it – by spying on Israel. That’s right. The Journal reports, “The White House discovered the operation, in fact, when U.S. intelligence agencies spying on Israel intercepted communications among Israeli officials that carried details the U.S. believed could have come only from access to the confidential talks, officials briefed on the matter said.”

The truth, though, as political analyst Charles Krauthammer points out, is that “the Israelis could easily have gotten it from eavesdropping on the Iranians, and might have gotten it openly from the French, who are in the talks and are quite dismayed by how much Obama and the White House have given away in these negotiations.”

For its part, Israel has denied spying on the U.S., and given Obama’s well-documented penchant for lies, one more added to the mix would hardly be a surprise.

Despite Obama’s huff and bluster, it appears he’s less concerned with spying and more ruffled that Israel might have shared information on the negotiations with Congress. As one senior U.S. official said, “It is one thing for the U.S. and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal U.S. secrets and play them back to U.S. legislators to undermine U.S. diplomacy.” Yes, this must be bad for The Most Transparent Administration in History™, which would rather keep Congress in the dark when it comes to negotiating a nuclear deal with a nation whose leader repeatedly says, “Death to America.” Whatever would make us think Congress should be made aware?

And about that Iranian chant, CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta confronted the administration earlier this week, asking Obama press secretary Josh Earnest why his boss trusts Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who as recently as this past weekend said in a public address, “Death to America.” Earnest ridiculously responded that this is the exact reason negotiations are needed to secure a commitment from Iran to stop the nation from getting nuclear weapons. Of course, this administration would do well to remember just how little “commitments” mean to Iran.

But it doesn’t end there. According to National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar, the White House went on to justify Khamenei’s statement by saying it was “intended for a domestic political audience.” Thank goodness. We thought it was intended for a nation intent on developing nuclear weapons.

Obama’s determination to alienate Israel and equal intent to coddle Iranian terrorists is disturbing to say the least and reveals where his allegiance truly lies. So irate is he over Netanyahu’s re-election and so determined to appease the Iranians that he is not only justifying cheers for America’s demise and threatening to end U.S. support for Israel at the United Nations but also adopting Palestinian talking points regarding Israel. On Monday, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough claimed in a speech to the left-leaning J-Street, an anti-Israel Jewish lobbying group, that “an occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end.” That the administration would parrot Palestinian claims against Israel – claims emanating from the same source that regularly launches rockets against Israel – is without excuse.

Many have questioned whose side Obama is on, but the time for questioning is far past. By demonstrating his utter disdain for America’s closest and most faithful ally in the Middle East, Obama has made his loyalties clear. It’s now up to Congress and the American people to prevent 2015 from marking the year America turned its back on Israel – and the world.