The Patriot Post® · Will and Krauthammer Weigh in on Rand Paul

Charles Krauthammer weighed in on Rand Paul’s presidential bid, and it wasn’t complimentary: “Whatever name you want to put on Paul’s position, isolationist or non-interventionist, he is without a doubt the one Republican who will be running who is closest to Obama in his view of foreign policy. Arguably, he’s to the left of Obama on NSA, on surveillance, on the use of drones; essentially on the war on terror.”

George Will laid out the pros and cons: “His strengths are, among other things, that he has broadened the range of the discussable on foreign policy within the Republican Party and that’s healthy. He’s the candidate most apt to push back against the Caesarism that’s enveloped the presidency under Barack Obama, and occasionally he’s quite good on judges.” However, Will said he also has drawbacks: “His problems are, first, he’s a freshman senator. Second, events have not been kind to him because they’ve made foreign policy much more central than he would prefer it to be. Third, he’s trying to base his campaign on groups that don’t often vote Republican or vote at all; particularly youth.”

We’ll see how that all plays out for Paul in the GOP contest.