The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Publius ·

Insight: “From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; 
you cannot subvert your neighbor’s rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own.” —Senator Carl Schurz (1829-1906)

Braying Jackass: “I don’t think that Congress ought to have any right to circumvent the president. … I will say to my friends, be very, very careful about how you treat this president, because turnabout is fair play. And I think that this president has not been treated with dignity and respect that he should be treated with.” —Rep. James Clyburn

Village Idiots: There is no role whatsoever for American soldiers on the ground to go back [to Iraq], other than in the capacity as trainers and advisers.“ —Hillary Clinton

Non Compos Mentis: ”[Benjamin Franklin] liked to have a really good time, folks. And he didn’t spare the booze, and while he was in Paris he led a life that clearly meant that had he lived today and been nominated, he would never have been confirmed for office.“ —John Kerry

Dezinformatsia: ”[D]o we have too many scientific deniers in our country or do we give too much prominence to those who want to look the other way on science?“ —PBS’s Charlie Rose

And last… "On the White House’s list of 34 effects of global warming: allergies, asthma, downpours, poverty, and terrorism. They left off #35: million-dollar climate study grants.” —Fred Thompson