The Patriot Post® · Khobar Towers Terrorist Captured

By Publius ·

The Wall Street Journal editorializes today: “Barack Obama isn’t the first President to overlook Iran’s bloody hands in hopes of better relations. Bill Clinton did much the same when the FBI’s investigation into the 1996 Khobar Towers attack began pointing to Iran. The Khobar bombings killed 19 American airmen who were living in those towers. Then-FBI director Louis Freeh has written of how his efforts to press the Clinton Administration into an investigation of Iran’s role came to nothing. In 2001 a grand jury indicted 13 Saudis and an unknown Lebanese and implicated Iranian officials in the killings. Now the Saudis are reported to have in custody the man believed to have masterminded the attack. His name is Ahmed al-Mughassil, and he is a member of Saudi Hezbollah. He was picked up in Beirut after arriving there from Iran. No doubt the capture of al-Mughassil would have been more convenient for President Obama after his nuclear deal with Iran was in place. That is why it’s so important for Members of Congress to take note. From the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon to the Khobar Towers to the Iranian-made IEDs that took the lives of many of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran and its proxies have never hesitated to shed American blood.”

In fact, U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth in 2006 ordered Iran to pay $254 million in damaged to the victims of the Khobar Towers attack. We’d like to think that might come from the $100 billion Obama is about to give Iran in sanctions relief, but we’re not holding our breath. Instead, even Obama admits Iran will only use that money to fund more terrorism.