The Patriot Post® · Selective Outrage

By Publius ·

Erick Erickson: “[T]he President did not politicize the shooting in Virginia when it was a black, gay man who killed the reporters. The President did not politicize the shooting in Chattanooga when it was a muslim radical who did the shooting. The President did not politicize the shooting of the muslim family in North Carolina when it turned out the shooter was a gay-rights supporting atheist Obama voter. … They moved on from those stories as quickly as they moved on from the story of the gunman at the Discovery Channel offices who was killing liberals for not doing enough to stop global warming. They moved on from those stories as quickly as they moved on from the gunman at the Family Research Council who was a gay rights activist intent on killing Christians. … Last week, the President told Pope Francis that we should all be able to live our faith in the public square. Meanwhile his administration and allies continue to harass Christians and sue them. Now someone goes into a school, demands to know the religion of the victims, and guns them down. But instead of calling for religious tolerance — as he would have if the shooter had been a muslim — the President instead demands gun control. … Perhaps instead of the President politicizing the deaths of around a dozen Americans, killed for professing their religion, he should first answer a simple question: why are there more mass shootings like this under his watch than under George W. Bush’s watch? I really don’t think the man presiding over a cultural suicide should really be the man who leads on this issue, particularly when his ‘common sense gun control’ policy solutions would not have stopped this tragedy.”