The Patriot Post® · Black Death Matters

By Willie Richardson ·

Marching from February’s Black History Month, Michael Brown Sr. is requesting “reparations” for his son’s death. But you won’t believe who he’s demanding $20 million from — Black Lives Matter.

Yes, the infamous organization that took to the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014 after Mike Brown Jr. was shot and killed by police. Black Lives Matter is being confronted by the black family whose son’s death it used to raise money. How dare these people seek restitution, right? Wrong. If reparations are to be paid, they should be given while the getting is good.

The call for $20 million comes after the organization revealed it raised $90 million in 2020. Did you read those numbers correctly? During an election year and through a pandemic, an organization based on race, transgenderism, lesbianism, defunding the police, white guilt, and the destruction of the nuclear family raised $90 million.

BLM released its 2020 impact report, which showed that the organization granted $21.7 million to multiple black local organizations and BLM chapters. But activists are calling for more assistance and accountability.

“We’re asking that Black Lives Matter leadership funds $20 million to Ferguson organizers, organizations, and community foundations to do the work,” International Black Freedom Alliance cofounder Tory Russell said in a video with Michael Brown Sr. “We’re not begging for a handout; we’re coming for what we deserve.”

In a video, Russell said they wanted “to hold Black Lives Matter accountable” and called on the organization for assistance for those on the frontlines in Ferguson.

“What kind of movement are we building where we’re saying ‘Black Lives Matter’ but the freedom fighters and the families are being left behind?” Russell asked. “Where’s our restitution? Where’s our organizing? Where’s our building of a movement?”

Michael Brown Jr. was killed by a cop, Darren Wilson, on August 9, 2014. Wilson was not charged for Brown’s fatal shooting, and Barack Obama’s Justice Department found it was a justified shooting. Yet Brown’s death sparked a wave of protests and uprisings in Ferguson and elsewhere, helping BLM gain more prominence as an organization.

Unfortunately, the only thing that makes Mike Brown Jr.‘s life memorable is his death at the hands of a white cop. If he were shot by a local black cop, there would have been no media frenzy or R.I.P. black death T-shirts being made. He would have died like he lived, and nobody would have cared to make a martyr or even paint a mural of him. Seven years afterwards, Black Death Matters even for reparations, but only when it conveniently fits the “white cop shoots unarmed black male” narrative.

What city will host the next “narrative” in 2021? It’s coming.