The Patriot Post® · 'Fake Scandal,' Screams Hillary Clinton

By Nate Jackson ·

Some days, it seems like we’re stuck in a time warp and that we’ll never really get out of 2016. And that Hillary Clinton will never not be in the news. But here we are, witnessing Clinton’s shameless projection regarding the latest news about John Durham’s investigation into her corrupt scheme to take out Donald Trump.

“Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones,” Clinton posted on social media. “So it’s a day that ends in Y. The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie.”

As we said, projection.

Her “proof” was a link to a Vanity Fair story denying the latest allegations against her. (Most of the rest of the media simply ignored the story.) But those allegations aren’t just media hearsay; they’re the result of the most recent filings from Durham’s investigation.

In the case against Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, Fox News reported: “Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to ‘infiltrate’ servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia.” (“Infiltrate” was not Durham’s word, but that of an investigator for Devin Nunes.) The suggestion Clinton’s black-bag political tricks extended into the Trump White House is tenuous, but we will see.

Political analyst Hans Von Spakovsky provided in-depth details on the Durham filing and Clinton’s nefarious characters central to propagating the “collusion” conspiracy. More details on Durham’s filing as it regards Clinton, Sussmann, tech exec Rodney Joffe, are outlined under the National Review editor’s assessment: “Durham’s Jaw-Dropping Revelation.”

But what is apparent from the filing is that Clinton’s goons spied on Candidate Trump, and maybe President Trump, with the aim of portraying him as Vladimir Putin’s stooge.

And as our Douglas Andrews wrote Monday: “Not only did the Clinton campaign spy on Trump, it also concocted a fake ‘Russia collusion’ narrative to get the CIA and the FBI to spy on Trump. Why? Because when one campaign spies on another, the media sees it as merely a dirty trick, merely as oppo research. But when the CIA and the FBI get involved, the investigation automatically becomes newsworthy.”

Of course that collusion narrative collapsed but only after inflicting maximum damage to the Trump administration.

Given that Hillary’s shamelessness knows no bounds, of course she dismissed this astounding revelation as a “fake scandal.”

“Fake” like Bill’s affair in the Oval Office or accusations of rape against him. “Fake” like Hillary’s lies about the four dead Americans in Benghazi. “Fake” like her closet email server, 30,000 deleted emails, and smashed Blackberry. “Fake” like the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play arrangement.

You get the idea.

Whenever the Clintons go, corruption and scandal stick to them like white on rice. The only thing that shocks us about Hillary’s response is that she didn’t call it a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

The only conspiracy was the one involving Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and Barack Obama’s law enforcement apparatus, which all set about to undermine a sitting U.S. president as a pawn of a foreign power, which itself compromised Donald Trump’s presidency and U.S. national security. The Durham investigation may not yield much in the way of legal accountability, and we won’t be surprised to see the worst players escape accountability altogether. Clinton did lose the election, and she’ll always have to live with that. But that’s not the same as bringing real justice to those who perpetrated arguably the worst political scandal in U.S. history.


Update 2/18: Welp, Hillary did call it a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” if not with that exact syntax. In a speech to the New York Democrat Convention last night, she complained about getting “distracted” with “a new right-wing lie,” and wrote it off as nothing but “conspiracy theories.” If there’s one thing we know about Hillary Clinton, it’s that she’s predictable.