The Patriot Post® · Homosexuals v Fairness

By Tom Davis ·

Just before the United States House of Representatives voted to repeal the DADT policy signed into law during the administration of President Clinton, she commented, “We honour [sic] the values of our nation and we close the door on fundamental unfairness.”

If their vote “close[d] the door on fundamental unfairness” does that vote by any stretch of the imagination belatedly bestow upon Nancy Pelosi the “right” to join the United States Army? Obviously it does not. All branches of the military must have the latitude to set workable standards for its men and women. Any decisions relative to the standards set should nor be subject to the whims of the LGBT tip toers through the tulips. The military has far too many real missions and having one court martial after another because a Barney Frank got the tar beat out of him because he got too friendly in the shower.

Fairness is second nature to Americans; however, fairness is NOT a Constitutional ‘right’ of which there are only three. Pelosi could have said, Political Correctness gives gays the same rights as all other Americans and she would have been absolutely correct. The privilege of serving in the United States Military is just that, a privilege and not a right. Gays are not and should not be a privileged class. Their basic problem is that a percentage of them seem to believe they are being brave by coming out of the closet. Wrong, they are being stupid, only another gay wants to know such information.

Repealing DADT is a damned foolish idea just to satisfy a president of questionable origin and morality and his preferred coterie of friends, the LGBT crowd. With the exception of the leadership of the United States Marine Corps, the other military leaders have vacillated or reneged on their earlier stance on DADT.

If the PC crows wants to be fair, then I demand to be recalled to active duty at age 86 and straight as an arrow. Of course that too is a stupid notion although I could be of greater value quicker than any recruit gay of unknown quality. There are hundreds more overage veterans who could use the job and would provide useful, reliable and honorable service. Note to Congress; you had better think this over and then rethink it and refer it to every committee where it is bound to thankfully go into a stall and crash. Pelosi is a certified Kook.