The Patriot Post® · Of All the Unmitigated Gall

By Tom Davis ·

That damned philistine sitting in our White House is not only rude to our good friends, The Israelis; he breaks bread with the Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah and very likely the Taliban. How dare that SOB, purportedly representing Good Americans, insult Prime Minister Netanyahu during his first visit and then on his second official visit, demand that Israel put itself at greater risk. Obama is a certified wannabe caliph taking dead aim at the heart of Israel. He makes me downright furious, he does not speak for me, his policies are insane and his pro-Islam rhetoric is antithetical to America’s Judeo-Christian ethic.

It is long past time for the strutting multi-colored Peacock to be impeached. He is a bona fide threat to America’s health and well-being. America needs a huge purgative to cleanse ourselves of this intestinal blockage. Need I repeat the litany repeatedly? Obama, lies, cheats, misrepresents, brags, swaggers, is flagrantly disrespectful to all that is sacred to Americans. He flaunts without shame the multi-colored flag of homosexuality, proclaims June as the month of the LGBT loudmouths.

Obama has the effrontery to be absent when he should be present, to be present when he would best serve America’s causes by getting lost. This imposter has absolutely no notion of that which makes America so spectacular; a respect and love for our Creator and His love and guidance. Obama quite noticeably worships many lesser deities; namely narcissus, vanity, hubris, arrogance and allah.

I hope and pray I am not alone in requesting that the Chairman of the House Judiciary draw up Articles of Impeachment charging BHO with multiple offenses he has committed.