The Patriot Post® · What Has Gone Wrong at Time Mag?

By Tom Davis ·

Time Magazine, once upon a Time was a respectable purveyor of timely and generally reliable information. Then along came Obama and Time became one of his sycophants and now, Times Managing Editor, Richard Stengel has shown Time for what it has become. Time is now anti-Constitutional, anti-American and pro-Liberal. What a shame. Stengel spouts absolute garbage as fact. The United States Constitution is NOT a living document suffering an illness in need of attention.

As Justice Joseph Story in his seminal work of 1865, “A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States: Containing a Brief Commentary on Every Clause, Explaining the True Nature” noted, “if any provision of the [Constitution] is susceptible of two interpretations, that ought to be adopted, and adhered to, which best harmonizes with the avowed intentions and objects of the authors, as gathered from their declarations in the instrument itself.”

The United States Constitution is as much writ in stone as the Ten Commandments on the tablets handed to Moses.

Though Mr. Stengel states, “If the Constitution was intended to limit the federal government, it sure doesn’t say so…The truth is, the Constitution massively strengthened the central government of the U.S. for the simple reason that it established one where none had existed before.” An idiotic argument and a blatant falsehood.

That sounds like the babblings of a demented mind. The Constitution, as any High School student will tell you, was intended to establish a government where none had existed previously. The Constitution as adopted is easily read and understood as Justice Story pointed out, by one with an average education. Intervening governments and administrators having bad intentions have made changes to the noblest document ever conceived by man. Only those possessed of ulterior motives find fault with the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution remains the one solid keystone in the arch of our republic. I would suggest that Mr. Stengel learn to read and comprehend before making more stupid and acutely incorrect statements. Time readers should be apprised that they are being intentionally lied to and deceived by a purportedly intelligent man. After all he is a managing editor.

Glad to see Eric Ames, Media Research Center, took Stengel to task.

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