The Patriot Post® · I Double-Dare Ya'

By Tom Davis ·

When I was just a kid, some Eighty years ago, we played a game called, “I Double-dare Ya.”

The premise was that one kid ‘dared’ another to commit an act that would certainly get the dared kid into trouble. Example: “I dare ya or I double dare ya to break that window.”

Today a bunch of juveniles are playing “I Double Dare Ya” on a monumentally larger scale. Idiot number one, Barack Obama dares Congress to not pass legislation allowing the treasury to spend more money based upon Geithner’s dire prediction that if not done, The United States will go into default on its loans and the bills can’t be paid. The premise is predictably erroneous as are most Washington predictions.

Obama, again predictably responds, “Give me what I ask or I will shoot the seniors who rely upon Social Security checks being on time every month.”

Weak-kneed Mitch McConnell says, “I Double Dare Ya.” and the dog and pony show continues. John Boehner and Eric Cantor have already left the tent with a final departing and resounding, “NO!” to raising the debt ceiling.

Pelosi, Reid, Geithner and Durbin just sit back, light up a joint and put on their smirky-face masks, Oh, those are not masks, their buddy and mentor has the republicans by the cojones and is starting to squeeze.

Can some blame, fault or legitimate charges be leveled at this point?

Blame #1; The Senate has failed to pass a budget for over two years.

Blame #2: Geitner and Obama are perpetuating a myth. Outside sources tell us there will be sufficient revenue after August Second to prevent default on our debt and debt service.

Fault #3: Geithner uses smoke and mirrors in his position at Treasury just as he did in calculating his own personal taxes prior to becoming Secretary of the Treasury.

Fault #4: Obama appointed a known tax cheat the Fox, to guard the Federal Henhouse.

Fault #5: John Boehner and Mitch McConnell experienced enough, though apparently not intelligent enough at deal making and at detecting when they are being bamboozled, fail to press their advantage on the numerous occasions when Obama has lied, distorted facts, misled Congress and/or violated the Constitution. More than enough times and serious enough violations of the Presidential Oath to consider seriously the impeachment of this not yet validated individual to hold the office to which he was very likely mistakenly or illegally elected. An office that no other individual has so badly misused and abused.

Charge #1: Both John Boehner and Barack Obama have conducted themselves in such a manner that a casual observer might conclude they are in a collusive effort to hamper efforts to solve America’s economic crisis. It would be commendable if these two leaders of opposing parties were transparent in their efforts and could and would strive as honorable men to solve the problems they brought upon us all.

It has become disgustingly obvious that those in whom we placed our trust to manage the affairs of government are derelict in their duties and responsibilities. The system of checks and balances had failed badly. True, there are some individuals still striving to right the Ship of State; they are in the minority.

The electorate, after having been so thoroughly deceived or hoodwinked in 2008, Bought into the Pledge to America put forth by John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy in 2010. That pledge is being smashed to pieces on the marbled halls of Congress.

An immediate band-aid solution to stop the hemorrhaging is put an immediate freeze on all non mandatory spending, furlough a major fraction of the civilian federal workforce, legislate a six-months fifty percent pay cut for all legislators and their staff members and members of the Executive Department. Terminate all Czars, Garage all Government vehicles for six months, Terminate the franking privilege until the end of the next election cycle. Stop release of petroleum from the Strategic Reserve, terminate the moratorium on drilling for oil on all federal lands or leased lands.

Finally and most importantly, prepare Articles of Impeachment against the main malefactor, Barack Hussein Obama. My memoriam (Petition) to do so is in the hands of the Clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives. Practice is over; time to start the real game.

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