The Patriot Post® · Senator DeMint Makes the Point

By Tom Davis ·

The talk goes on, the clock keeps ticking, nothing of substance happens in Washington except talk, talk, talk and still more talk. Talk and nothing on paper that can be debated, thus no calling the question. Mr. Obama is the culprit.

Senator DeMint made the astute observation that, “[Mr. Obama] has not made any proposal in writing to deal with entitlements and to deal with any specific cuts,” DeMint said. “So, the president talks a lot, but we can’t vote on a speech.” Obama has failed to reduce his rhetoric to words on paper, which would be his request of the House to debate and from which to formulate pertinent legislation in the form of a House Resolution ready for transmittal to the Senate for consideration.

Mr. Obama is as usual, resorting to threats, exaggeration, hyperbole, anger and denigration of the Republicans. Senator McConnell appears to have fallen into the trap and offered some tax increases to help break the impasse. Bad Move.

All Legislation has its origin in the United States House of Representatives, often at the urging of the President in the form of a written request or from the Senate in similar fashion such as a Senate Resolution.

Senator McConnell cannot and must not offer a unilateral ‘deal’ to this untrustworthy president. Obama is notorious for his ‘smoke and mirrors’ negotiation tactics. The negotiators must tell Obama, “Put it in writing and send it to the House where we will give it serious consideration.”

Does the leadership of the House realize fully that they have the upper hand and should use it wisely to craft legislation written in plain language that leaves no room for misinterpretation? At this point in time, there is no necessity for any tax increases and there may be no need for such in the years to come.

Simply that our out-of-control federal bureaucracy has exercised carte blanche spending policies in the past, is no reason for it to continue. Secretary Geithner is a profligate spender, screwed up his own personal finances, learned nothing from the experience and is handling our money in a very reckless fashion. There appears to be collusion among and between The Federal Reserve, Treasury, The< Executive and The Wall Street Money handlers. Any reasonably intelligent mother who handles the budget for her household knows the basics. 1) Live within your income, 2) Income minus expenses equals savings, and 3) build up a nest egg for the future.

It is obvious to even the most casual observer. Mr. Obama is a wastrel as is his wife. As a couple, they have shown a criminal disregard relative to Presidential expenditures using our money. Mrs. Obama currently has at her disposal 26 attendants, including a hairdresser and a makeup artist. No First Lady was ever so much a spendthrift, nor did one of them ever have the temerity to proclaim, “In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much,” she said. “See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service.” Questions still go unanswered how and why she no longer has a valid license to practice law.

As a citizen of this great Country, I am at a loss to understand why the United States House of Representatives has not acted to impeach Barack Hussein Obama, the absolute worst president this country has had the misfortune to put into the White House. The House could at the very least rein in the excessive spending by these two who act as if they won a huge lottery.

The United States of America, of necessity, needs to be rid of the Obamas long before January 21, 2013.

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