The Patriot Post® · Who's Running the Store?

By Tom Davis ·

The last time I checked the Constitution; there were three branches of government. The first branch is the Legislative, NOT the Executive. Barack Obama talks and acts as if he were the CEO, COO of the USA Corporation. He needs to be put in his place.

Since January 20, 2009, this very un-presidential, arrogant, narcissist has lied to America, repeatedly. His ego is far too large for his accomplishments and his “I am the Boss” conduct is indigestible.

Mr. Obama has presented to the world a face of America, which is so horribly distorted and fundamentally unacceptable that friend and foe alike are confused.

Mr. Obama insulted our best allies, the British by his tasteless ‘gift’ giving, He kowtowed to world leaders as if he were ‘cone a begging’ and has the unmitigated gall to address congressmen and women and military officers by their first names when protocol suggests title or grade be used.

Mr. Obama is deferential to the LGBT folks and Muslims while insulting Christians and Jews and their institutions. He has executed by fiat actions that are the prerogative of Congress.

Mr. Obama has violated the Constitution on numerous occasions without forceful admonition or legislative action.

Mr. Obama acts as though their were no Tenth Amendment as modified by the Fourteenth Amendment.

This would-be dictator, or despotic emperor talks down to those he perceives to be lower on the power ladder than he. Example: Governor Jan Brewer signed into law SB 1070, a document to control illegal immigrants into the State of Arizona. Before the ink use in the signing was dry, Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder fired off missives to her condemning the bill as a direct violation of federal law, contending that ONLY the federal government had jurisdiction over immigration. Article I, Section 10 contradicts their assertion.

Mr. Obama without having consulted with the Congress ordered air strikes on the Sovereign nation of Libya, another direct violation of US Law.

Mr. Obama has proved to be a wastrel, spends enormous sums on air travel apparently without a moments pause. He authorizes his spouse excessive personnel to tend her voracious appetite for aggrandizement.

It is blatantly apparent that Obama is totally in charge of the store, when in fact the Congress ought to be exercising a considerable amount more oversight of his actions.

His voracious appetite for power and show needs to be curtailed. One way to accomplish this is for Congress to wield the power at its disposal as its first order of business when the house is next gaveled into order. Introduce Articles of Impeachment.

Keep him down; do not let him get to his feet. He is most certainly NOT one of us.

He is alien to all we hold near and dear. God, Country, Principled leadership, Honesty and a respect for the law.

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