The Patriot Post® · Mother Knows Best

By Tom Davis ·

With few exceptions, every citizen of the United States has been nourished by a loving, caring, wise, frugal, female known as Mother. Do these women possess specific qualities to qualify them for political leadership?

Several different sources provide insight into the very special qualities unique to mothers and likely imbued into the mental makeup of all females.

“Mothers are more likely than fathers to encourage assimilative and communion-enhancing patterns in their children. Mothers are more likely than fathers to acknowledge their children’s contributions in conversation. The way mothers speak to their children is better suited to support very young children in their efforts to understand speech (in context of the reference English) than fathers.” (

Mother is defined in the dictionary in two ways:

(1) as a female parent, or (2) as a woman, quality, or condition that gives rise to something else. While maternal instinct is defined as an inborn tendency to want to protect and nurture one’s offspring.
Article Source:

What bearing, if any, does the foregoing have on presidential politics? Apparently NONE since America has never put forth a female as a major political party presidential candidate. Conversely, other countries worldwide have had the foresight to bestow upon a female the mantle of President or Prime Minister 47 females to date. Such brilliant examples as Golda Meir in Israel, Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan, Indira Gandhi in India and Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain.

It is this writer’s well-considered opinion, based upon the character of three strong, intelligent, driven ladies in my life, that we have been woefully deficient in our national political gamesmanship. The current embryonic 2012 Presidential machinations are certainly indicative of a continuation of the old political status quo.

Though Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are highly qualified to serve as President; there has been no hint that the Republican National Committee nor any State or county Republican organization has taken any action to further the cause of a real live female to serve America in her time of need.

No polling organization and no individual pollster has EVER asked, “Would you support a major party ticket of two female candidates foe President and Vice-President?”

Would it not be a propitious time to try such an experiment? I vote a resounding “YES!”

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