The Patriot Post® · Rope-a-Dope

By Joshua Furlong ·

To use the famous Rush Limbaugh phrase, is the GOP trying to pull a rope-a-dope on the American people and the Tea Party in particular? Anyone who believes the GOP is listening to the Tea Party while not trying to undermine and destroy them is a fool. The establishments GOP, the good ol’ boys from the beltway, hate the Tea Party as much as the wacko libs and demoncrats. They want nothing more than for things to go back to the way they were where they were happy little piggies feeding at the same trough as the dems. Last November scared the bejeezus out of the politicians in Washington. They saw a real grass roots movement of American people who are angry as he-double hockey sticks. Both parties realized that they weren’t going to be able to ignore the American people any longer. If you can’t beat them, trick them.

Rick Perry and Mit Romney are the GOP equivalent of Obama and Clinton. Put them up side by side and suddenly Hillary doesn’t look so bad. The GOP is desperately trying to get the American people to believe that Rick Perry is a Tea Party American conservative, a cowboy and Reaganesque Republican. He’s not; he’s no different than any of the other establishment Republicans who are just as culpable as the demoncrats in destroying America. When he’s held up next to liberal with R in front of his name Mitt Romney, he looks exactly like that. The GOP knows that Romney hasn’t got a prayer in getting the nomination. He knows that too. He’s being a good party boy and playing the part of apple to Perry’s orange.

The so called “conservative” media is going along for the ride. One of my heroes and a man I deeply respect for his political savvy and showmanship, Rush Limbaugh is conspicuously quite on this subject and the mainstream conservative media like Fox and the Wall Street Journal are being helpful handmaids to the GOP. Like good little useful idiots they post the stories about Romney and Perry and their little battles over words and subjects that are designed to dupe the American people into believing Rick Perry is what we need and want. His record is never mentioned in any great detail by mainstream media.

Herman Cain’s recent upset in the straw poll demonstrates that a majority of the American people still aren’t fooled. But what concerns me is the large number I see singing Perry’s praises on forums and blogs. Maybe these are the so called “independents.” The wishy-washy, touchy feely conservatives who want to feel good about helping everyone and their cousin while still hanging onto their own property. Their mentality is “a little socialism is okay” but not too much. These are the same sheep that got us into this mess with Obama to begin with. Perry is designed to appease the Tea Party and excite the white washed conservatives. Mitt Romney is there to make sure the picture is as black and white as possible even though Perry is really colored grey.

I for one won’t cast my vote for Rick Perry or anyone like him. This country needs to turn around, drastically and immediately and Rick Perry won’t do it. I would hope that the American people have learned their lesson and will fight for a true conservative and liberty candidate. If these last 4 years haven’t taught the American people of the dire and dangerous precipice we walk along then perhaps nothing will.