The Patriot Post® · Get Your Act Together

By Tom Davis ·

Addressed to the Republican Party, the U. S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate

America, that is We the People of America are fed up with the inability of or the disinclination of those in our government to identify the precise problem(s) facing our great nation and to proceed expeditiously to solve or resolve it or them.

From my perspective and over eighty years of experience and careful scrutiny, I not so humbly offer my observations, some conclusions and a number of suggestions and recommendations.

My early 1934-1942, education took place in a small town in a very progressive state, Montana. We were blessed to have a small town weekly newspaper, the Cut Bank Pioneer Press, owned published, edited and watched over by a fantastically humane, intelligent and politically conservative gentleman. The following is a direct quote from

“Mr. Whetstone is former president of Lack Jack Gas and Oil Co. and publisher and president of Cut Bank Pioneer Press in Montana. He is chairman of the board of radio station KLCB in Libby, Mont. He was chief executive officer and chairman of the Cut Bank Gas Co., Cut Bank, Mont. He also served as chairman of the board of the Coeur D'Alene Co., with offices in Montana, Idaho, and Washington States. He is president of IMPEX, an import-export firm.

"Mr. Whetstone is active in many civic organizations in Montana. He initiated an annual ‘Good Neighbor Day’ for observance by Montana and Alberta, Canada, citizens. He chaired a highway committee to build better roads between Montana and Canada and initiated good will tours from Montana to Canada.

"Mr. Whetstone is an active Republican in Montana. He served as a senior adviser to the transition group and as Western States coordinator to the Reagan for President Committee.

"Mr. Whetstone is a native of Cut Bank, Mont. He was born on June 19, 1914.”

I knew Mr. Whetstone quite well and though he was only 11 years my senior, I always addressed him as Mr., Whetstone. Mr. Whetstone was the local Mr. Republican, was a Montana delegate to the National Republican Convention and was always available for a question, of which I had many. My interest in the political arena was an ongoing project from the 1932 elections until today. From that perspective, I am able to draw some insight and subsequent opinions and suggestions.

Coincidentally, another notable Montanan by way of New Your City was one of the great and few honest Democrats. Senator Mike Mansfield was 11 years Mr. Whetstone’s senior. They became friends and though members of the two major political parties, friendly rivals. “Iron Mike” later became the Majority leader of the U. S. Senate and was a true American Patriot who offered good advice to Richard Nixon which was not followed and ended up prolonging the Vietnam debacle, costing more American lives and the ultimate undoing of Nixon.

From my observations and the comments and writings of commentators, I have come to the absolute conviction that anything a politician says must be taken with a grain of salt. The campaign promises and other utterances of politicians are for the most part, lies, impure and simple. This caveat applies to all politicians regardless of party affiliation. Some notable exceptions to this rule have been in my experience, Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. And even then both told the occasional fib.

Americans do not choose to tolerate a liar for long. Some notable damned liars (worse than just a plain liar) in the past have been each and every Democrat from Andrew Jackson to date. Of course, they were forced to lie to maintain any advantage they could not achieve by intelligence alone. A notable damned liar was Franklin Delano Roosevelt even when lying was unnecessary. FDR was also completely devoid of conscience; his Court Packing Scheme of 1937 led to the death of Senate Majority Leader, Joseph Robinson, and a loyal Democrat. Richard Nixon was also an inveterate liar.

So what seems to be the problem? The major problem is We the People and our gullibility. Though an old, old adage is, “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, you cannot fool all the people all the time.” The people who get fooled most of the time seem to be the majority. Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are living proof.

The news media no longer can be depended upon to present the facts on any issue as was the case with Mr. Whetstone. The line between the good guys and the bad guys is blurred. Loudmouth hate-filled talking heads like Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Alan Colmes, Bob Beckel, Marc Hill, Bob Schieffer, Barbara Walters, Maureen Dowd, Ed Schultz, etc, etc, etc. And in totality, unreliable reporting, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN.

Then we are, while seeking to be entertained, forced to watch the reruns of the despicable conduct and stupid rantings of fools like Sean Penn, Barbra Streisand, Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Crow, Whoopie Goldberg, Joy Behar, Rosie O'Donnell, Al Gore, Lindsay Lohan, Barney Frank and for a laugh, you can check out this link:

So much for observations and some telling conclusions. There are a few more conclusions with which I am certain readers can agree. We as the people and them as our servants, our Congress has been abysmally derelict in it failure to use the tools at its disposal to dispense justice to the evildoers in the federal government. A slap on the wrist or a display of censure accompanied by a wink and a nod is customary. Exceptions are rare and here they are;

1. .Senator William Blount Impeached, January 11, 1799, Blount, Expelled, charges dismissed.
2. Judge John Pickering, March 12, 1804, Guilty- Removed from Office.
3. Justice Samuel Chase, March 1, 1805, Not Guilty
4. Judge James H. Peck, January 31, 1831, Not Guilty
5. Judge West H. Humphreys, June 26, 1862, Guilty, disp unk.
6. President Andrew Johnson, May 16/26, 1868, Not Guilty
7. Judge Mark H. Delahay, No Action, Resigned
8. Secretary of War, William Belknap, August 1, 1876, Not Guilty
9.Judge Charles Swayne, February, 1905, Not Guilty
10. Judge Robert Archbald, January 13, 1913, Guilty, Removed
11. Judge George W. English, December13, 1926, Resigned, Charges dismissed
12. Judge Harold Louderbach, March 24, 1933, Not guilty
13. Judge Halstead Ritter, April 17, 1936, Guilty, Removed from Office
14.Judge Harry E. Claiborne, October 9, 1986, Guilty, Removed from Office.
15. Judge Alcee Hastings, October 20,1989, Guilty, Removed from Office.
16. Judge Walter Nixon, November 3, 1989, Guilty, Removed from Office.
17. President William J. Clinton, February 12, 1999, not guilty.
18. Judge Samuel B. Kent, July 22, 2009, Resigned, Case Dismissed.
19. Judge G. Thomas Porteous, December 8, 2010, Guilty, Removed from Office.

Summation: 19 Impeachments, 7 Not guilty, 3 Resignations,

This fails however to tell the entire story of our badly flawed federal Government. After being impeached and removed from office, Alcee Hastings was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives by the idiots of Florida’s 23rd Congressional District where he serves to this day. If that is not a travesty of justice, damned if I know what is. On the other hand, Representative Randall “Duke” Cunningham served with distinction as a Naval Pilot during the Vietnam War, having the distinction of being a confirmed ace in that conflict. Elected to the House from California’s Fiftieth Congressional District in 1990, he resigned in 2005 and was tried and convicted of accepting $2.4 Million in bribes, under-reporting his income for 2004 and numerous other crimes. He was sentenced to 8 years and 4 months in prison and ordered to pay $1.8 Million in restitution. He got what he deserved.

Now we come to the issue of the malefactors still serving in Congress or only recently leaving office. Though some may disagree, I believe strongly that one Barney Frank has brought disgrace upon the institution by engaging openly in a homosexual relationship and allegedly allowing a brothel to operate from his residence in Washington, D. C. In addition, Mr. Frank was one of the individuals who were responsible for the meltdown of the Wall Street Financial Market. He has stated that he will not seek office again in 2012, but will retire. This step will allow a less than honorable elected official to walk off into the sunset with a sizeable retirement and other emoluments. Mr. Frank is most certainly open to and should be the subject of a Congressional Investigation and subsequent Articles of Impeachment for his numerous crimes and misdemeanors. Charles Rangel got simply a mild rebuke and still receives $174,000 per year after admitting he is a hoodlum. Maxine Waters and her husband have and are engaged in questionable financial matters to which she had insider information.

Lastly regarding personnel, Mr. Obama and his Attorney General are and have been engaged in highly questionable actions. Both failed to take any action to imprison or in some fashion take two members of the New Black Panther Party to task for their complicit behavior due the 2010 election. Both failed to take decisive action or any action at all relative to Operation Fast and Furious. Both acted as enemies of the Great State of Arizona when Governor Brewer signed SB 1070 into Law. Article 1, Section 10, paragraph 3 clearly gives the sovereign of any state the clear right to defend itself from invaders. Both Obama and Holder made a mockery of the Constitution and of the sovereign rights of the several states. Both must be impeached if this 112th congress is to regain any semblance of pride and substance.

As an aging and proud retired Army Officer, I take personal offense to the failure(s) of this Congress, to the disdain with which constituents are treated, and, most importantly, to the utter disregard this government holds for the virtues, travails, hopes and Faith in our Heavenly Father.

The pretender occupying the Oval Office is a bad joke from which I should hope to awaken and find a smaller, more responsive government led by an Honest-to-God Christian Constitutional Conservative. Such a government would put God back into our schools, take the homosexuals out, eliminate the threat of Shariah Law, enforce The Defense of Marriage Act Keep the crimes of Sodomy and Bestiality in the Manual for Courts Martial, and make certain every veteran was gainfully employed or at least cared for if wounded.

Finally and most importantly, no federal official suspected of any federal offense must be allowed to retire or resign without a departure vetting. All offenses or suspected offenses must be dealt with expeditiously and punishment meted out to the full extent of the law. No wrist slaps allowed.