The Patriot Post® · Disposing of the Garbage

By Tom Davis ·

First I should like to define the terms. By my definition, trash consists of all those scraps of formerly useful materials now devoid of functionality and intrinsic value. In this piece, I am not talking about trash; I speak of that which is odoriferous, nasty, doggy poop, used cat litter, etc. Garbage is unpleasant to the smell, vision or touch, for example doggy excrement, bird droppings , animal waste from an abattoir; you get the idea.

Garbage is normally collected by hard-working folks who earn every dollar they are paid. Question: What do we do with the garbage accumulated in the halls of government; particularly from the Oval Office and the Executive Offices, Department of Justice, Homeland Security, State Department, etc.?

Quadrennial elections are supposed to take care of this matter. They do not. It reminds me of the days of yore when each dwelling had an outhouse. When it got too full, Dad or Dad and the older sons dug a new one and moved the outhouse over the newly dug receptacle. Is it really necessary to wait? Far too much garbage has been allowed to collect in OUR government buildings.

For starters, that skinny disbarred lawyer occupying OUR Oval Office, is a disgrace. He has routinely defied the Constitution, insulted OUR flag, belittled state officials, exercised authority where he had none, failed to demand from the Senate a budget, spent taxpayers money on folly, and in virtually every way possible, has violated his Oath of Office. Further, he has allowed those under his direct executive authority to violate the United States Constitution, lie to the American people and to our European friends and Allies.

Obama is obviously attempting to take the United States down the road of Socialism and disaster. The United States Senate acting as a commissariat, is aiding and abetting the imposter in his nefarious activities. I am not amused by the comic farce being played out on Capitol Hill. I am truly amazed that a citizen with the wherewithal and the intestinal fortitude has not made a successful attempt to eliminate that hazard to America. The remaining option, IMPEACHMENT, SHOULD BE, MUST be the first order of business in the House before the end of February.

Just to keep Obama company, Article of Impeachment could be presented against any or all the following Senators for their complicity in Obama’s misadventures; Reid, Schumer, Baucus, Boxer, Durbin, Feinstein, Harkin, Kerry, Lautenberg, Menendez, Mikulski, Murray, Ben Nelson, and Stabenow.

And these Representatives deserve Articles of Impeachment to be presented against them in the House; Grijalva, Pelosi, Waxman, Waters, Polis, Wasserman Schultz, Alcee Hastings, Henry Johnson, Jesse Jackson Jr., Hoyer, Barney Frank, Pascrell, Holt,Rush; Rangel, Slaughter, Clyburn, Jackson Lee, and Nick Rahall.

This would constitute a fair start to Disposing of the Garbage!