The Patriot Post® · A Couple of Words to the Unwise

By Tom Davis ·

Nothing good may be said for those who espouse and practice the libidinous life of those who comprise the membership of the LGBT group and their ally, The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD and the Pseudo Emperor Obamus. Joseph Farah lost a considerable amount of credibility with this writer when he was quoted as denying, “In response, Farah said he has never spoken a hateful or defamatory word about homosexuals in his life.”

Mr. Farah, it is no crime to speak badly of those who indulge themselves in these despicable practices condemned by God.

In so many areas of our lives, Americans have set a shining example, but in the area of social behavior, actually misbehavior we have slid backwards. “… in 1776 male homosexuals in the original 13 colonies were universally subject to the death penalty, and that in earlier times, for a brief period in one colony, lesbians had been liable to the same punishment for relations with other women.”

It seems somehow ludicrous that these practitioners of Biblically forbidden acts are under the false impression that their demanding recognition will raise the practices to the level of general acceptance. Using a phrase such as “Gay Pride” may be accepted by close friends and family, but is a certain recipe for avoidance by society in general. Practitioners of these acts might do well to remember the old adage, “Out of Sight, Out of Mind.”

Discounting the harm that The LGBT crowd brings to themselves, there is one greater consideration for which there is no excuse. No child should ever be subjected to these kinds of behavior. Some, actually many homosexuals want and have obtained custody of small children. Without a doubt, many are practitioners of pedophilia. One organization, NAMBLA, The North American Man/Boy Love Association, is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States that works to abolish age of consent laws. For the unknowing, Pederasty is a homosexual act between males when on is a minor child.

No religion, with the exception of Islam condones pedophilia. A Muslim male is allowed to marry a girl only after she has attained the age of three. He is expected to wait until she has attained the ripe old age of nine before consummating the marriage, an example reportedly set by Muhammad. One other Religion, Orthodox Judaism, according to one book of the Talmud approves marriage and conjugal rights when the female is three years of age.

To sum up, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Bestiality, Pedophilia and Pederasty are considered by most civilized humans to be crimes against nature and are in many, if not most jurisdictions subject to criminal court action. All those involving children or animals must be and all others should be considered as not in the common interests of society and therefore not privy to any special consideration let alone any Gay rights.