The Patriot Post® · Mein Amerikampf: The Hidden Liberal Doctrine

By Robert H. Meredith ·

To not be a student of history, is a destiny to repeat it. The United States is not experiencing this second great depression just because of a typical economic cycle of boom and bust. The country has experienced recessions and times of great growth in the past, however this depression happened at the perfect time and in the perfect country for those that dislike our way of life to capture the moment of fundamental change.

History tells us that the dictators of the world, i.e. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, etc., all knew that to take complete control of the people you must first destroy the economy. The economy, money, gives the people the power to fight, due to optimism in their lives. All of the dictators took away the people’s optimism and replaced it with government propaganda and preached the gospel that the government would take care of the needs of the people.

Adolph Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one”. He also stated in the same work that, “The party should not become a constable of public opinion, but must dominate it. It must not become a servant of the masses, but their master”.

Reflect if you will, on the events of the very recent past.

a. The highest home foreclosure rate ever witnessed in this country destroying the dreams and futures of more and more people
b. Retirement accounts devastated, leaving pessimism for the working class, and devastation for those that are retired.
c. Higher tax rates imposed upon the people, working or retired, to take care of the unintended consequences of overly optimistic pension promises of government employees, illegal immigrants, and for those that can, however refuse to work
d. Authoritarian regulation upon private business in the aim of impeding growth and innovation, and restricting growth of employment.
e. Dramatically increased cost of private health care premiums which is not merely an unintended consequence of regulation, but rather an absolute consequence of regulation for the government to take over the private health care industry. As people can no longer afford the premiums of the private health care industry, due to premium increases designed by the government due to mandates, both present and future, placed upon private carriers, people are at this moment, having to drop their insurance coverage for their families and go “naked” as it is termed in the insurance industry. This will force people to look to the government for their health requirements, which is exactly what the government desires.
f. Higher energy prices, fuel, electricity, natural gas, and water taking more and more income from the people which in turn erodes the economy even further, leading to a never ending vortex of loss on behalf of the people. The antithesis of this is more power and control by the government.

Socialism is a benign ideology when presented to the young and especially the uneducated of society. In another quote from Hitler’s Mein Kampf he states that “The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force”.

Socialism is a slow, but lethal growing cancer on free people, who wish to do nothing but be successful and have the pride and self respect in succeeding on their own. In a free democracy the theory is “Government by the people and for the people”. In other words the masses (people) are in control of their representative government. In all socialist governments history is witness that the government controls the people for the peoples own welfare, with little option on behalf of the people.

There are socialist democracies, so to speak, in the world, however their people are not truly free. The danger of socialism is that it can, without notice, metastasize into a Social Dictatorship, due to the fact that the people are without the power to restrict the government. Hitler also stated, “Sooner will a camel pass through a needle’s eye than a great man be "discovered by an election”.

Mein Kampf was a plan to a dictators mad desires. Mein Amerikampf has been written in ideology by the liberal faction in the United States and is being implemented by those elected, by a people who are ignorant of history and apathetic to the founding principals of the United States. The government recognizes the weakness of the people, and is taking advantage of that weakness. At the same time, the government is taking advantage of the economic depression to further take control of all of the people.

As again Adolph Hitler emphasizes “All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast in to the midst of the people”.

Even though one may be a great orator, it does not necessarily mean that he means well for the people. Adolph Hitler was a magnificent orator as was Ronald Reagan. The difference in the two is the ideology of what each wanted for their nations. Barrack Hussein Obama is another great orator on the world stage, however great oration can be construed as propaganda, depending upon the person speaking the words and whose ears the words fall upon. The educated and insightful will be able to tell the difference.

In the not to distant future, if the people do not educate themselves, recognize truth from propaganda, and use that recognizable difference at the ballot box, there will no longer be a ballot box. We shall become the United Socialist States of America.

God Bless America