The Patriot Post® · A Petulant Preibus v. Akin v. McCaskill

By Tom Davis ·

The antics of Reince Priebus and John Boehner and their gamesmanship in the Akin v McCaskill senatorial campaign in Missouri are so crybaby. Do these two have any motive other than power and politics in their ludicrous attempts to display their futile and senseless attempts to force Todd Akin to resign the campaign to a pro-abortion, liberal Democrat, Claire McCaskill?

Are they both downright stupid? Akin, according to the latest polls is leading McCaskill 45% to 42% and petty Priebus comments, even if Akin were tied with McCaskill, “we’re not going to send him a penny.” Which is most important, winning control of the United States Senate or ‘showing who’s boss?’

Both Priebus and Boehner have shown a decided lack of that kind of leadership the Republican Party needs to regain control of the United States Congress and the Presidency. Boehner has demonstrated a tendency to start shedding tears anytime his efforts are thwarted. Priebus, on the other hand simply flexes his non-existent political muscle.

Hey kids, your problem is not Todd Akin and his careless and loose lips on one occasion. Your problem is far more serious and one a lot larger. Your problem sits in the Oval Office, feet planted firmly on the Rutherford B. Hayes desk, all the while pontificating to David Axelrod and the other lackeys standing nearby. Your task, eat a little crow, support Todd Akin and beat McCaskill. You can always have a heart-to-heart with Akin somewhere down the road.

You cannot afford to be so cavalier with any assets at America’s service. By who are you employed? Remember you are supposed to be working for We the People of the United States of America. So can the majestic posturing and do your job. This country has no royalty and no assured tenure. Any tenure you may have is oh so fickle, it exists at the whim of the voters and you two are on a short line.

You could and should introduce legislation (Articles of Impeachment) against Obama and Holder. That should throw both off stride and give Mitt Romney more slack. It might also assist Todd Akin.

There are almost innumerable Representatives and Senators who have acted in collusion with Caliph Obama and with each other, singly violating their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution. You might put them on notice that you intend to take action for those offenses.

When you are unable to execute a slam-dunk, do that which keeps them off balance and dysfunctional.

This great nation of ours can barely afford you two let alone another four years of Obama. Therefore, you are obligated to render such support as necessary to Todd Akin, Michele Bachmann and other Republicans involved in tough campaigns. Family squabbles are a no-no in times of stress. Wise up boys; America will survive in spite of you. You may not be so lucky unless you get your act together.

Whether or not you believe in or agree with this, character counts and assists you in making the right decisions. If the proposed activity lacks character, look about for another path less traveled. It’s imperative you don’t publicly demean or castigate one of your family. Stay outside the earshot of the enemy; keep petty disagreements in the family. Capische?