The Patriot Post® · The 112th Non-Congress

By Tom Davis ·

Congress is a collective noun used to identify that body of elected representative entrusted with the management of their bosses properties. Congress is also the collective noun for a bunch, a group, a collection or a pack of Baboons. That’s right – the proper collective noun for Baboons is “a Congress.” Why did the linguistics experts pick that particular collective for Baboons? Simply because they are more or less representative of our 112th Congress.

Their propensity is to squabble loudly, get little accomplished beside feeding their face and getting their pictures taken telling us all the wondrous things they have accomplished. Case in point: The current candidate for reelection to the Senate from New Jersey is one Robert Menendez who, numerous times each evening appears on every New York TV Station claiming credit for his pork barrel spending to obtain millions of dollars for Solar Panel projects in New Jersey. He closes every ad with, “This is Senator Bob Menendez and I approve this message.”

On January 3, 2011, our current crop of miss-representatives took the Oath of Office as prescribed by the Constitution, cheered, glared at their political opposition, and proceeded to conduct no business as usual. They did repeal ObamaCare 33 times and conceded repeatedly to raise the debt ceiling. Did they forget something or some things? You bet your life they did. They were obligated to repeal Obama, not ObamaCare as so many bloggers, pundits and talking heads have suggested and petitioned for months.

Just what part of the oath do these folks not understand? Surely, they understand; they have purely and simply abjured their responsibility. The constitution still stands, the 112th Congress sits on its collective butt, plays solitaire on their laptops or other electronic Pad.

Not ONE has had the good sense and the good citizenship to stand up like Joe Wilson of SOTU fame, call Obama the liar that he is, walk over to the hopper and place Articles of Impeachment right on top where they become the next item of business. I have a hunch that at least one of the 166 lawyers in the 112th could, with some help, prepare the hundred or so charges and two hundred or more specifications of which Obama is guilty and start the ball rolling.

If nothing else, it would serve to keep him in the Oval Office and not traipsing all over the 57 states he knows about and will keep two million-dollar buses garaged and Air Force One grounded until Chief Justice Roberts can clear his calendar and preside over the Senate Trial.

Back to the 112th Congress. Why? One-third of the Senate and the entire House is begging for cash to campaign for another term at the feeding trough. This fact alone demands a serious consideration of term limits, repeal of the XVIIth Amendment and while they are at it if they ever get to work, they would do this Country a monumental favor by repealing Roe v Wade.

Did I mention the repeal of Obama? The Senate might legitimately consider Dereliction of Duty charges against Harry Reid, Dick Durbin and Charles Schumer. Why Dereliction of duty? Simple. Precedent has been set but not adjudicated in a court of law that a Senator may not be impeached, which appears to this old man to be a self-protection device. As a citizen, I believe that if any of the servants fail to toe the mark, the should be fired (impeached) and barred from any further Municipal, State or Federal employment. That is in and of itself dishonorable meaning loss of any retirement or other emolument to which they have given themselves entitlement.

The House has its bad boys and girls. First on my list would be Barney Frank. He has brought more bad press and shame upon the House than any except maybe Randall “Duke” Cunningham.

If there is any legal manner in which former Senator Dodd can be tried, he and Frank colluded to upset the financial market. Back to the House, Loud Mouth Maxine Waters, the rude and crude, “How about some Black Names for Hurricanes” Sheila Jackson Lee, Keith (Hakim Mohammad) Ellison and Andre Carson.

Jackson Lee is notorious for her terrible treatment of staffers; Lee is prone to be foul-mouthed and super sensitive about her exalted position. Lee is about as racist as is possible in a high-profile position. She made a huge stink because no hurricanes were ever named with black-identifiable names. She is a viable subject for a House Ethical Standards Inquiry and expulsion.

Maxine Waters appears to have evaded censure in her ongoing battle over insider knowledge regarding One-United Bank. Her lack of prior knowledge is a poor excuse for one in her position. She had a responsibility to know and claimed she did not.

Ellison and Carson are guilty by association with Islam. A common practice in the Muslim religion is to lie when it suits one’s purposes. The practice is known as taqiyya that by any interpretation equates with lying or dissimulation. Therefore when these two took their oath of office, it is logical to presume they were taking it in the name of Allah rather than in the name of the Judeo-Christian Deity, the God of our fathers. This is particularly true in Ellison’s case; he refused to use a Bible and took his oath, such as it is, on the Quran. This writer is obliged to agree with Judge Roy Moore writing in WND in an article, “Muslim Ellison Should Not sit in Congress.”

Any American studying the course of Islam since 622 AD must invariably conclude that Islam is naught but a cult. No other organized religion mandates such murderous penalties for failure to accept that which is offered under threat of beheading. Furthermore, no recognized religion, Hebrew, Christian, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Shinto or Animism fosters such crude and mean methods to reach a promised After Life. This writer, if need be will accept any condemnation if the exceptions to my remarks are proved generally unacceptable. However, I stand by them until my dying day.

I should like to add that it would be preferable to see our impostor president impeached immediately on the basis that he is not only incompetent, but is guilty of repeated High Crimes and Misdemeanors.