The Patriot Post® · New Pope Must Lead Repentance for Renewal

By Albert Maslar ·

Before attempting to convert the world to Christianity is to insure that the messenger is worthy to stay true to the admonitions and guidance of the Bible and restore adherence to the Ten Commandments. As a sign of trust, unworthy messengers must be expelled first to make way for renewal.

Clergy that have committed transgressions that were both against the precepts of the church, and were also against valid civil law, besides being subject to church sanctions, must also be reported to valid civil authorities for possible civil sanctions against perpetrators of these vile acts.

Jesus sent his disciples out, two by two, to spread his message of salvation. The results were favorable except that the disciples complained that they could not expel certain demons. Jesus said that some demons can be expelled only by prayer and fasting by the disciples, not necessarily by transferring the penance to the people but to the messengers.

Whether preparations are satisfactorily completed or not, the immediate task, first things first for the new Pope, is to clean the stables and oust those who either sexually preyed on young boys (and girls), and oust cardinals, bishops, and clergy who enabled this travesty, and when applicable, report these transgression to civil authorities. Get the rotten apples out of the barrel.

And what must become a lifetime of church and congregation repentance continues unabated, leading to the ousting of catholic in name only (CINO) institutions of higher learning that are in actuality doing the work of Satan with their dedication to abortion, Planned Parenthood, promotion of sexual exploitation with the likes of “The Vagina Monologues,” along with endorsement of the homosexual lifestyle.

Politicians in public service lead many astray by loudly proclaiming their catholicity but act against its very core principles and must be reined in by excommunication from the faith they betray. Repent must be the new order of the day for the sake of the world. Just because something or someone are labeled catholic, does not make it so. Wishing won’t do it but humble adherence to the principles of God will.

The overall Herculean task of the church is how to energize the confluence of church law with public opinion and civil law to create the flushing sound needed to expel the demons. There are 117 cardinals eligible to take part in the Conclave for the election of the next Pope, but only 115 will take part, as one declined travel to Rome for health reasons while Britain’s Cardinal Keith O'Brien resigned after allegations of inappropriate behavior towards priests.

Childhood sex abuse is rampant in the US and the world and many well-respected organizations like the Boy and Girl Scouts, and teaching professions are afflicted as well as the church. The point is that the pro-active homosexual community is estimated to be about 4% in the US and since the 1950s, church seminaries have been a haven for homosexual men who use the calling as a cover for their activities. It is important to know that not all homosexuals are child-predators, but anecdotal evidence proves that virtually all child-predators are homosexual.

Ancient Greek mythology relates the frustration of Hercules whose crime was that he killed his six sons, and to purge himself for this senseless tragedy, he would be required to serve King Eurystheus, performing whatever labor might be imposed and iIn return Hercules would be rewarded with immortality. Hercules despaired at the thought of serving someone presumed to be inferior to him but eventually yielded.

Perhaps the most remembered Herculean task was the fifth labor requirement to clean the Augean stables, a seeming impossibility in that they were occupied by 1,000 cattle that were immortal and produced an enormous quantity of dung that had not been cleaned out in over 30 years, Hercules succeeded in this task by rerouting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.

Hercules had help from Augeas and was furious when Augeas broke his promise to pay Hercules one tenth of his cattle if the job were finished in one day. Hercules then killed Augeas after completing the task. Because Hercules had help and did it for pay, the fifth herculean task was not counted and eventually two tasks were added to the original ten. This happenstance lends credence to the maxim that “Every solution creates two new problems.”

The cleaning of the Augean stables was meant to be more demeaning and humiliating rather than merely difficult for Hercules which might be the operative words as the new Pope faces the challenge of cleaning the Vatican stables of the filth left by child predators and their “Red Hat” keepers who knowingly allowed the practice to be continued and shrouded in secrecy.

The humiliation of the Pope, cardinals, bishops, and clergy facing the 1.2 billion catholics with the accompanying “Mea Culpa” might not necessarily suffice as these admissions must be accompanied by proper penance and continued recantations almost ad infinitum.

Jesus responded to the question as to the need to grant forgiveness seven times to which Jesus said 70 times 7 times, and in terms of the deity, being infinite. Due to the clergy scandals, the American church lost about one-third of its congregation and related contributions, forcing closings of churches, schools, hospitals, and other charitable social works and services, and can eventually be forgiven but must earn forgiveness.

The church survived difficult times through the ages but Jesus Christ promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church, indicating that it would be constantly challenged. Satan is relentless in his pursuit of souls and does not exclude infiltration of the church to accomplish his dastardly deeds. Satan had the audacity to challenge and tempt Jesus three times after Jesus fasted in the dessert for 40 days in preparation for his public life.

Does a simple “Sorry” for clergy pedophile scandals suffice? Not hardly. Just check civil criminal courts at sentencing when the judge asks the convicted if they have anything to say or show any remorse? Despite any remorse expressed, the next sound is that of the jail cell clanking close to incarcerate the convicted. There are not any more humiliating things than for the high and mighty to exchange their finely tailored wardrobe for orange jump suits in court and facing TV cameras for the world to know.

Over 6,000 catholic priests, deacons, seminarians, and a dozen bishops have been accused of sexually abusing minors and/or covering up known instances while the culprits were secretly transferred to unsuspecting parishes where they would continue their violations unabated. The number of US clergy has declined steadily as information of the offenses became known.

Retired clergy that have been convicted of pedophilia and sexual crimes against minors should be stripped of their retirement benefits that too many enjoy in vacations spots and outside the country on various islands.

Back to the latest 24/7 chimney-watch in selection of the new Pope who will either have to call it as it is or accelerate the decline of the church worldwide. Eating someone else’s crow is not too glamorous for such a high office, but nothing else will suffice; it’s a question of “Do or Die;” Nothing to lose by doing SOMETHING versus everything to lose by doing nothing.