The Patriot Post® · The Perfect Storm

By William Stoecker ·

In the Old Testament, Joseph has a prophetic dream and warns Egypt’s Pharaoh to stockpile grain during “seven fat years” of Nile floods and good harvests in order to prepare for “seven lean years” of drought and poor harvests. All individuals and all nations should heed that advice, for drought and other natural disasters, disease, and war are always possible – even likely. Yet America today, far from preparing for worst case scenarios, is deeply in debt and woefully unprepared for anything. In addition to our increasing debt and deficit spending, we have a very negative balance of foreign trade, an economy-crushing tax and regulatory burden, a declining infrastructure, open borders, and high unemployment.

Take unemployment as one measure. The official figures are about as meaningful as any other official figures – utterly worthless. They do not take into account the people who have given up looking for work, or those able to find only part time work at minimum wage. The number of able bodied people on welfare, SSI, and food stamps has grown exponentially under Obama – these people should rightfully be considered unemployed, especially since they are being paid with borrowed and fiat money, as well as taxes bled from the dwindling number of productive citizens. Given the huge expansion of the federal, state, and local government “work” force, most government employees should also be considered unemployed, since most of them are doing nothing that in any way aids production of essential goods and services and energy. In fact, many of them, especially those at the EPA, actively harm the economy.

Our borders are wide open and immigration is a disaster. Legal and illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans, commit crimes (and are set free by the regime to commit more crimes), and suck up welfare and food stamps and a host of other benefits. They impact our hospitals and clinics, forcing some into bankruptcy. They crowd into our schools (although these have degenerated to the point where they are little more than leftist indoctrination centers) and overload them. Many of them hate America (but still come here), hate Whites, hate Jews, and hate Blacks. But if any White American even mentions this, he, not the aliens, is likely to be accused of “racism.” The debt alone will eventually wreck our economy, and the immigrant flood alone will eventually wreck our nation completely. But we don’t just face one of these disasters – we are being deluged by all of them at once. Our economy and our society have nothing stored for the lean years – we have no slack. In fact, we are teetering on the edge of disaster.

And yet the thing in the White House, not satisfied with the pace of our decline, has imported tens of thousands of Central American “children,” many of them teenagers and adults, members of drug gangs, and carriers of a host of tropical diseases and drug-resistant TB. Even that is not enough for President Hussein; he has refused to stop travelers from West Africa, where Ebola is spreading, from coming here. In fact, he is issuing more and more visas to them, and now plans to bring some 100,000 Haitians into what is left of our country. Most of these Haitians are illiterate in any language; most speak no English; many have contagious diseases; and, I predict, many will turn out to be criminals. Hussein has also printed up some 34 million work permits for aliens, and it is only reasonable to suspect, based on his past performance, that after the election, that many more immigrants will be invited in and turned into Democrat voters. Of course that will be the proverbial straw that will break the camel’s back.

There is increasing evidence that many people may be naturally immune to Ebola, and that treatments already in use, if begun early, can ease suffering and bring about a full recovery. But what if the disease spreads too rapidly and our healthcare system, already hurt by Obamacare and immigration, cannot keep up? What if, as some have warned, medical personnel, and, even more, the housekeeping and maintenance personnel so necessary for hospitals to function, refuse to risk becoming infected by coming to work? Then tens of thousands may die, conceivably millions (although this seems unlikely). What about the impact on our already weakened economy if people are afraid to go to restaurants or even to work or school or to take public transportation? And, while all of this is happening, the other diseases so thoughtfully brought into our country by Hussein will still be spreading.

Meanwhile, predictably, the monster has refused to spend a few billion dollars to harden our electrical grid against EMP, whether natural or man-made via nuclear weapons detonated at high altitude. What if we are attacked that way, or a massive solar flare takes down our grid? That alone could bring about the deaths of millions, but what if that happens at the same time Ebola is spreading?

Meanwhile, the drought in California and across much of the West continues, and aquifers, from the Ogallala in the plains states to smaller ones in the West, are being depleted. The drought may end this year…or it may not. It may even continue for decades. Across the West, volcanoes can become active at any time. While some, like Yellowstone or the Long Valley Caldera, have the potential to bring about a mini ice age, even a major eruption of Rainier or Hood could be disastrous. Mt. Shasta could cut Interstate Five, the north-south rail lines in California, power lines, and telephone lines, devastating the economy. Earthquake faults scar the US from coast to coast. It is not a question of if some natural disaster will come, but when. And we are prepared for nothing.