The Patriot Post® · Emperor Obama Did Not Do the 'Right' Thing

By Dale R. Gamble ·

What is going on in this country? The United States of America is and always has been a Constitutional republic. But tonight, November 20, 2014 as I write this, the imposter living in the White House effectively proclaimed himself Emperor of the United States by a unilateral executive order for amnesty for millions of people who are residing in the United States by virtue of their illegal entrance into the United States. Crossing our borders illegally is a felony under the law and we are a nation of laws. We the People cannot allow this to happen without consequence. Emperor Obama had no Constitutional right to do what he did tonight and he damn well knows it. In fact, on some 20-25 previous occasions, he specifically stated that he did not have the authority to do what he just did. The American people must rise up in defiance of this action.

If impeachment is the only legal way to stop this maniac, then he must be impeached. Of course that won’t even be considered until after January 1st when the Republicans take control of the Senate. However, as soon as that date arrives, the impeachment of Obama and repealing the Affordable Care Act must be the top two agenda items on the calendar of the new Congress. Neither issue can be put on a back burner. However, I would like to see the Supreme Court complete its reconsideration of the Constitutionality of Obamacare before we waste time just trying to rework the law as it is written. I actually have some hope that the Supreme Court will reverse its previous decision. Don’t mess around with trying to fix Obamacare. Wipe the stupid law off the slate in its entirety and then start working on a real resolution to the healthcare crisis.

I’m sorry. I got a little side tracked with the Obamacare thing. I want to write and talk about this amnesty thing first and foremost inasmuch as impeachable actions by the President of the United States have to take first priority for all Americans. We will lose the republic if we don’t get this government back under the control of the legal citizens of the United States.

I know I have probably touched on this in some of my previous writings, but it bears repeating. When it comes to knowledge of the United States Constitution, it seems readily evident that the majority of Americans who have been voting over the last several years, are just plain stupid. I know that MIT Professor Gruber has been taking a lot of heat in recent weeks for calling the American voters stupid, but the truth hurts, doesn’t it. The majority of the voters, those who are actually voting, especially during the general elections when we vote for the President and Vice-President, are obviously stupid.

We wouldn’t be in the mess we are in if we would just use the common sense that God has given us when we elect our leaders and representatives. However, good common sense does not come without good education. And I’m not talking only about “book learnin’.” I’m talking primarily about the education we get by simply living life and realizing what is going on around us. But I believe, and will always believe, that any America citizen who does not have a good and thorough understanding of the United States Constitution is failing in his or her own citizenship responsibility. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I would like to see a requirement that all voters pass a written examination to show that they have at least a minimal understanding of the Constitution before they are allowed to vote. That exam would be administered and scored immediately after he or she has shown a photo ID establishing his or her legal right to vote.

On many occasions, I find that I practically have to draw pictures for some people in order to make them understand why Obama doesn’t have Constitutional authority to do many of the things he does. And to be fair, as I’ve said before, this problem extends back to periods long before Obama came on the scene. He has simply been the one who has exacerbated the problem. Other presidents in the past have, on occasion and somewhat slyly, exceeded their executive authority, but Obama flaunts it and gets away with it.

I frequently get frustrated when I’m talking with people who have the “Yeah, but …” attitude. They are those people who after being educated about the Constitution will acknowledge that knowledge and then say, “Yeah, but ….” There is no room for “Yeah, buts …” when it comes to the Constitution. The Constitution is the trump card. If the Constitution says the executive branch does not have the authority to do such and such, then it is case closed. No “Yeah, but …” can be given further consideration.

When it comes to this immigration issue, people have a tendency to jump on the “compassion” bandwagon rather than focusing on the Rule of Law. I understand that compassion and I have admiration for compassionate people. In fact, as a Christian, I believe I am a man of compassion. But, once again, we are a nation of laws and the Rule of Law must be the governing dictate.

I happened to watch Emperor Obama’s speech tonight on the Fox News Channel, and I did that by choice. I think it is fair to say that the people who read The Patriot Post and its Grassroots Commentary are fully aware of why I choose to watch Fox News. It is the only objective source for news and most who read these columns know that. But after Obummer’s speech tonight, Bill O'Reilly had an illegal immigrant on who was so very happy about the action that Emperor Obama had taken. He was so happy because he could now go back to the Philippines and visit his mother with no fear of not being able to return to the United States, which he has considered to be his home since he was 12 years old. He and Bill O'Reilly had a nice, civil discussion about the man’s particular situation, but the Immigration laws currently in effect kept pounding at my sub conscience.

Here was a guy, on national TV, readily admitting that he was and had been an illegal immigrant for several years. Earlier in the evening it was said that Emperor Obama would be signing the executive order granting amnesty while he is in Las Vegas on Friday (November 21st). So, technically speaking, that executive order is not in effect until it is signed. During his speech, Emperor Obama said it simply was not possible to round up and deport all the illegal immigrants and that was part of the reason he was doing what he was going to do. My questions are, why do they all have to be rounded up at one time and why not arrest them on an individual basis whenever the opportunity presents itself? Why was this admitted felon not arrested right at the time he was in the studio? Enforce the current law now and at every opportunity. I’ll be the first to admit that arresting this individual would likely have been an exercise in futility since some liberal judge would release out of “compassion” since he has been a model citizen over all these years. But so what? Homeland Security needs to do its job. The guy admitted that he had broken the law. Arrest him and then let the legal system do its job.

Later on, I heard the ignorant liberal Geraldo Rivera talking to Megyn Kelly about how he believed Obummer had done the “right” thing by issuing the executive order. Nonsense!!!!!!!!! What Obummer did was unconstitutional and that can never be the “right” thing to do.