The Patriot Post® · Let's Be Honest, Black Lives Don't Matter

By Louis DeBroux ·

Black lives don’t matter.

I know. It’s horribly insensitive and politically incorrect to say so, but any objective assessment of reality reveals this is true. Or, to be more precise, black lives don’t matter to the race-baiting political opportunists and the liberal Democrat politicians who are always lecturing, preening, moralizing, and inciting anger and outrage in front of the nearest available TV camera.

Doubt me? Well, then look at the facts.

The #blacklivesmatter movement began in the wake of the deaths of violent black thugs Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Martin was shot and killed after assaulting volunteer neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman (a “white Hispanic”, according to the New York Times), who witnesses testified was knocked to the ground and punched repeatedly by Martin, slamming his head over and over into the concrete. Michael Brown was shot and killed by white police officer Darren Wilson, after Brown robbed a store, threatened the store owner, and assaulted Officer Wilson, attempting to take his gun after Wilson initially stopped only because Brown was walking down the middle of the street.

In both cases, the Obama White House sent several representatives to the funeral of the dead thug, and in both cases Obama expressed solidarity with the families of the thugs, and lectured us on the history of American racism.

But if #blacklivesmatter, where was Obama this week when fifteen Chicagoans were shot between Monday and Thursday. Added to the two killed and 43 wounded in shootings in Chicago, it raises the year to date totals for the city to 1,729 shooting victims, including 282 homicide victims. In Detroit, in just one night (Monday, August 10th), there were two murders and 15 shooting victims, bringing the year-to-date homicide totals to 200 through last weekend. A disproportionate number of these victims were black, and a disproportionate number of the attackers were black.

In each case, the city has been run for decades by black liberal Democrats, including black mayors and police chiefs. It is their policies that have led to these staggering shooting and murder totals. If #blacklivesmatter to liberal Democrats, why do black Americans suffer the most under their rule?

If #blacklivesmatter, why is it that Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president, threatens to veto any bill coming from the Republican-majority House and Senate which would defund Planned Parenthood, an organization that gets more than a HALF BILLION taxpayer dollars PER YEAR from Democrats, and an organization that slaughters tens of thousands of unborn black children each and every year?

If #blacklivesmatter, why does nearly every Democrat in the U.S. House and Senate, including black Democrats, march in lockstep with Obama in blocking any attempt to strip Planned Parenthood of taxpayer funds that are being used to murder their babies, cut them up and sell them for parts? Do they realize Planned Parenthood was founded by white eugenicist Margaret Sanger, for the express and oft-stated purpose of eliminating the black race through abortion and sterilization? What would iconic black leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X, think about such blind loyalty to a party that is facilitating self-imposed genocide?

If #blacklivesmatter, why does the Democrat Party bow to teachers unions, blocking school choice for poverty-stricken black children, trapping them in horrifically sub-standard schools, which all but guarantees these children will be stuck in the cycle of poverty and crime for yet another generation? If #blacklivesmatter, then why does Obama repeatedly attempt to defund the DC Opportunity Scholarship program, which Republicans in turn put back in the budget? The Washington, D.C. public school system is among the most expensive and worst performing schools systems in the nation, Yet the DCOSP, which serves almost exclusively poor, inner city black and Hispanic children, boasts a graduation rate of over 90%, more than 20-points higher than the public school system. Graduates of this program have gone on to college at such prestigious universities as Syracuse and Northeastern.

Amazingly, the program does this at a fraction of the cost of the DC Public School System. If #blacklivesmatter, why do Democrats, who claim to be the champions, defenders, and protectors of black Americans, keep those they supposedly protect mired in misery and poverty?

If #blacklivesmatter, then why is it that, under Obama and a Democrat Congress, poverty, unemployment, and crime victimization skyrocketed? More blacks are unemployed and on food stamps under Barack Obama than were under the hated George W. Bush. Additionally, Obama refuses to enforce our immigration laws, or protect our border, and as a result, low-skilled blacks are forced to compete for jobs with illegal aliens who will work for far less than the wages black Americans need to survive. They are also victims of violent crimes and property crimes perpetrated by illegals.

This is the way the Democrat Party, including the supposed black leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus, rewards the loyalty of blacks; with the misery which comes from the slaughter of their children, the denial of quality education to the black babies allowed to live, the crime and violence they endure in their neighborhoods…and for what?

There are some, like black Chicago pastor Corey Brooks, who realize how badly blacks have been betrayed by Democrats, and especially by so-called black “leaders” like Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson.

Said Pastor Brooks of New Beginnings Church recently, “African-Americans have been loyal to the Democratic Party, but there is a group of African-Americans that feel like the Democratic Party has not been loyal to us… We have a large, disproportionate number of people who are impoverished. We have a disproportionate number of people who are incarcerated, we have a disproportionate number of people who are unemployed, the educational system has totally failed, and all of this primarily has been under Democratic regimes in our neighborhoods… So, the question for me becomes, how can our neighborhoods be doing so awful and so bad when we’re so loyal to this party who is in power? It’s a matter of them taking complete advantage of our vote.”

For nearly a decade (and for half a century in many major cities), Democrats have controlled the reins of government, and by every conceivable measure, blacks in America are worse off than they were under George W. Bush.

If #blacklivesmatter to the leadership of the Democrat Party all across the nation, one would think that life for blacks would have improved, rather than gotten worse.

And that is why it is clear for any objective observer to see, that to Democrats, black lives do NOT matter anywhere other than in the polling booth.