The Patriot Post® · What's Wrong With America

By Wayne E. Miller ·

We have a president who believes he doesn’t have to follow the Constitution, refuses to enforce the immigration laws, does nothing to secure our southern border, and even wants to grant amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens (probably more like 30 million). Now he has concluded a deal with Iran that will allow them to produce a nuclear weapon sometime in the future. If anyone believes they won’t use it to dominate the Middle East and destroy Israel then it must be hard to breathe with your head in the sand.

We have a former secretary of state who used a private server to conduct the nation’s foreign policies with other nations. Now it comes out that some of the information passed through that server was classified. She is also responsible for lying about what caused the attack on our consulate in Libya. The incompetence shown by the secretary and her underlings were the direct cause of four fine Americans losing their lives. The secretary also lied when she said that she and her husband were broke when they left the White House. She had just signed a book deal for eight millions dollars and I suspect she got an advance from the publisher. Yet she tries to act like one of the people, but most people I know don’t get $200,000 to speak at some gathering. They also don’t own four mansions worth millions of dollars. Even with all of these scandals, there are still people who think she would make a great president. Reference the head in the sand saying in paragraph one.

Our present secretary of state met with North Vietnamese officials in Paris while we were still in armed conflict with their country. He also accused his fellow soldiers of committed atrocities in South Vietnam, which has never been proved. Apparently he did this to get name recognition to further his forthcoming political career. Now he has helped conclude a disaster of a deal with Iran that does nothing to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon. I am still trying to figure just what the United States got out of this deal. A side deal to the agreement allows Iran to inspect its own military facilities. Talk about letting the fox in the chicken coop. Once again, reference the head in the sand in paragraph one.

We have congressmen and women who sit on their collective behinds and do nothing to stop the lawlessness of this president. They are doing nothing to help the economy grow, put people back to work, secure the border and force Homeland Security to enforce our immigration laws, stop sanctuary cities from not enforcing the law, and reform the bloated federal government. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid must be put on a sound fiscal footing. Of course, they won’t touch the sacred cow of welfare because the Democrats depend on those votes. The fraud doesn’t matter, the dependency doesn’t matter, able-bodied men and women depending on the government doesn’t matter. Getting elected means more than doing the right thing for the country. What is going to happen when the takers outnumber the makers? That’s easy — borrow more money from China, increase the national debt and raise taxes, which will only hurt those who get up every day and go to work.

The average American has no representation in Congress, this administration, the Justice Department or the Judicial Branch. Unless you are black, Hispanic, gay, lesbian or transgender, there is no one advocating on your behalf. If this statement makes me a racist or a bigot then so be it. A woman in Kentucky is jailed for following her religious beliefs, but Louis Farrakhan can stand up in a church and ask 10,000 of his followers to kill white people and nothing is done about. If a white minister called for his followers to kill black people, he or she would be arrested for making a threat and advocating a hate crime. Why did the Justice Department not prosecute the Black Panthers who tried to intimidate voters in Philadelphia? Why did they do the same thing when the leader of the Black Panthers put a bounty of $10,000 on George Zimmerman’s head? I guess it makes no difference to those in power. The rest of us are just there to pay the taxes for them to waste and our opinions count for nothing. However, when election time rolls around, they will be promising us how they are going to fix the problems if we will just vote for them. Then they laugh and go right back to doing the same old stupid things. Term limits are needed in Congress and the Judicial Branch to include the Supreme Court.

What a sad ending to what was once the greatest nation on earth. A nation where hard work, taking responsibility for your actions and taking care of your family was the framework that made it great. Now people look to the all-powerful state and federal governments to take care of them so they don’t have to worry about being responsible for their actions, taking care of their family or getting a job to contribute to the economy because someone else will pick up the tab. That somebody is the folks who get up every day and go to work to pay the taxes to support them. I have no problem with helping those who can’t work because of a physical limitation, mental limitation or the elderly. Just don’t spend my taxes on those who make no effort to better themselves and live on the sweat of those who work. What a travesty being perpetuated on the American citizens who pay the taxes to support this broken system.

This American is fed up with the lack of addressing the problems the nation faces by our so-called leaders. Most of them are self-centered and care only about their egos, prestige and getting re-elected. No wonder the rating of how they do their jobs is at 9%.